Turkey jugs an oppositionist:
I give due notice that on this basis I have been seeking to overthrow this government for years because it has failed the people of the UK and because it has served its own self-interest and that of its clients very well.
Those of us who have done so should take due note. Is this where the populists will want to go next? It would not surprise me.
Spud getting political martyrdom would amuse intensely, but could we put up with the I told you sos?
Is The Spud turning into a sovereign citizen?
Jailing Spud would be a cruel and unusual punishment, for the warders and the rest of the inmates.
He’s just having one of his Dachau moments.
He is also a management guru, in dialogue with that eminent scholar Pilgrim Slight Return
“April 25 2022 at 2:48 pm
For a number of years, I was part-time CFO and effective joint CEO of a company. The full-time CEO often wondered how I knew so much about it. I simply arrived early on the days I was in and talked to people. It really was not hard to find out what was really going on.”
No matter that his antennae are as sensitive as a rhino’s horn
I give due notice that on this basis I have been seeking to overthrow this government for years…
Somewhat surprisingly, we find that alternating between bitching and whining on a website that gets, perhaps, a thousand unique view per day has yet to bring down the British government. More surprising is the fact that occasional appearances on low rated BBC programs have failed as well.
I simply arrived early on the days I was in and talked to people.
As opposed to doing actual work.
Says the man who:
– Has blocked 20,000 people on Twitter
– Bars Comments on his blog other than those which cravenly accept his contention
Given his support for the twin policies of Net Zero and Zero COVID I would say his comment to ‘freedom of protest/ opposition’ is extremely selective and limited..
I simply arrived early on the days I was in and talked to people.
As opposed to listening.
I simply arrived early on the days I was in and talked to people.
Which is why Downham Market pubwatch put a blanket ban on him across every hostelry in the town
Which is why Downham Market pubwatch put a blanket ban on him across every hostelry in the town
Seriously? You mean to tell me he’s annoyed every publican in Downham?
One of the reasons he moved to Ely….. I think he’s less able to go into the pub now with the separation….
Having visited most of the pubs in Downham Market one weekend recently, I think that he would have been on the wrong end of a few punches if he had behaved in the way he behaves on his blog
Part time CFO. Joint CEO. Qualified accountant for nearly 40 years. Partner in a firm of accountants for a decade or more. Professor. Published author. Freelance writer.
And 64 years old and appealing for donations on his blog! Did he earn nothing in any any of the above roles? Does he have a secret cocaine habit or something? Or does he have a couple of million in the bank and the continued bleating about ‘funding’ is taking the piss?
Which company was this he’s talking about? The tax dodging Trivial Pursuit licensee? Or was it the WhereOnEarth one where he followed the Trivial Pursuit bloke into another project, left when turnover was just 200K and was sold post-Spud a few years later for 20M?
“where he followed the Trivial Pursuit bloke into another project, left when turnover was just 200K”
More probably, got told to fvck off before he got a beating for being an irritating cvnt.
I simply arrived early on the days I was in and talked to people.
I simply arrived early on the days I was in and talked
toat people.FIFY
@ VP:
… put a blanket ban on him across every hostelry in the town.
The Publicans are all wrong, and Spud is wonderful – obviously.
Richard Murphy is an InSuRrEcTiOnIsT.
Somebody call Brian Stelter.
Tony Sibson returned on murphys cost of living thread, threw a few bombs then predictability the entertaining contest was cut short with another ban..Sibson threw in the Downham Market pub issue.. Murphy called it a low blow..
“I give due notice that on this basis I have been seeking to overthrow this government for years…”
I found that an odd complaint about the Canadian convoy protest, that they wanted to overthrow the government because they wanted Trudeau to leave office. On that basis every opposition party would be guilty of the same offence and most probably a fair few of his party as well
He’s a working class hero for using a pencil on a voting slip. X
where is Ecks? Come back, Steve needs the competition.