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As the FT notes this morning, Amazon’s sales growth has disappeared

Online sales growth fades as lockdown ends.

We must be in a recession, right?

14 thoughts on “Gosh”

  1. Well, I did just buy a couple of ebooks from Amazon. But I suppose I don’t make up for all the ex-hermits who are getting out and about again.

  2. In fairness Tim although it’s more a case of him being like a stopped clock, we’re certainly on the cusp of a downturn IMHO – obviously I differ wildly with the absurd 7 point plan of ‘The Mile End boys’ but I do think a recession is imminent and only the bounce from lockdown ending is preventing us from dropping into it. What Amazon sales have to do with it God only knows but I’m not a psychiatrist and even if I were I wouldn’t take on Murphy as a patient…..

  3. “God only knows but I’m not a psychiatrist and even if I were I wouldn’t take on Murphy as a patient…..”

    I’m sure that, as in every other field of human knowledge, Spud is an expert in psychiatry and so could both examine and cure himself.

    And ninthly.

  4. From the Grauniad:

    Amazon’s stake in electric vehicle company Rivian was largely to blame for the loss. Amazon owns close to 20% of the company and lost $7.6bn after shares in the electric vehicle collapsed, falling by more than 50%.

    So a one off event rather than state of play.

  5. “Amazon’s stake in electric vehicle company Rivian was largely to blame for the loss.”

    Serves them right, then. Get woke, go broke.

  6. Serves them right, then. Get woke, go broke.

    Can’t argue with that, though I’d still rather Amazon pissed their own money up the wall on milk floats or other pointless shit than have some fuckwit in Shitehall do it for them on even more pointless woke diversity bullshit. There is at least an outside chance that tech research will find something useful.

  7. I thought Murphy’s view was that Amazon was just a tax dodge, not part of the real economy at all. So surely reduced sales ther shouldn’t make any difference?

    But this is Friday, so probably he holds a different reality for today,

  8. “in a recession”
    Depends on your definition of a recession. According to most economists we didn’t have a recession when nearly 10% of the workforce produced nothing while getting 80% of their paypackets …

  9. I think a recession is probably overdue because of the amount of stuff out there that I consider as totally wasteful shit that people buy. Like:


    Seriously, if you’re not a club runner or a pro athlete, why do you need a fitbit? Go for a walk, swim, x-trainer until you feel puffed out. If you get fitter and don’t feel puffed out, walk a bit more. The end.

  10. BoM4

    I find my iPhone is useful, because I travel between Tejas and Normandy (and Spain). The phone makes it feasible to keep up to date with email and other communications from management and colleagues and friends without dragging out the Mac mini, keyboard, mouse, 30″ screen, etc etc etc at every instance. (yes, there are set-up computicles in the residences, but still.

    And there’s a perfectly fine FitBit app for the iPhone that lets me track my exercise, which is useful because I get guilty and start back up when I’ve slacked off for a bit (it was raining. Or cold. Or something)

  11. BiTin,

    “I find my iPhone is useful, because I travel between Tejas and Normandy (and Spain). The phone makes it feasible to keep up to date with email and other communications from management and colleagues and friends without dragging out the Mac mini, keyboard, mouse, 30″ screen, etc etc etc at every instance. (yes, there are set-up computicles in the residences, but still.”

    Sorry, I should qualify that. I didn’t mean don’t have a smartphone. I meant spending £700 on an iPhone instead of £200 on a cheap Android phone.

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