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Ooooh, this is good

Covid is not endemic. More than 350 people dies of Covid in one day last week. Around one in 12 people in the country have it.

Google, what does endemic mean?

(of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.

One in 12 is not regularly found then?

27 thoughts on “Ooooh, this is good”

  1. I think it’s worth quoting another part of the post as well just to see this vicious racist’s level of derangement:

    First, it’s the capacity to care.

    Second, there has to be the willingness to use the power of government to redirect resources in society.

    Third, there has to be the willingness to fund this, which does require new money creation.

    Fourth, there has too to be the need to create the social conditions in which people can flourish, which requires redistribution of income and wealth.

    Fifth, there must be the willingness to explain this, and get buy in.

    Sixth, there is a need for commitment, which is wholly absent.

    he has obviously missed out ‘seventh, the government needs to appoint me to a position which will enable me to clear debts amassed in decades of profligacy, and which require me to engage in endless grift to try and get funding for my activities’

    He really is a deeply unpleasant individual – utterly lacking in empathy or self-awareness…

  2. When you look at the actual total body count, and once you’ve discounted the dip (lower number of deaths) through 2018/19 just before Covid hit (ie a dry tinder effect that had been building up), it’s very obvious that it’s been nothing more than endemic (albeit with seasonal surges) for a long time, pretty much since April 2020. The rest has been rhetorical bollocks throughout.

  3. You think that’s bonkers? Spud has today put up a blog up entitled:

    “The Tories are the enemy of the survival of human life here on earth”

  4. How many of these ‘cases’ have been confirmed by:
    1. A blood test, which WILL ACTUALLY prove the presence of the covid virus in the blood or not?
    2. A ‘positive’ PCR test? (a test never designed to confirm the presence of a live virus and totally inappropriate for detecting covid – Kary Mullis,RIP, the inventor)
    3. A ‘positive’ Lateral Flow Test (“Lateral flow antigen tests are tests that can process COVID-19 samples quickly without the need for laboratory equipment. They differ from polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, which look for genetic material from the virus and are generally more sensitive. The benefit of lateral flow tests is that most tests generate easy-to-understand results in under half an hour and can be used at the point of care rather than sent to a lab to process). Sounds like ‘not as accurate as a PCR test but a lot quicker (and cheaper) to process’ to me.
    4. “Sniff, cough, I’ve got covid”.

    RLJ +100

  5. 3. “‘not as accurate as a PCR test but a lot quicker (and cheaper) to process’”

    LF tests: good enough for checking you’re probably not contagious before you go and visit granny.

    Also probably good enough, if you apply correctly-sized error bars, for estimating case rate.

    The main problem with “cases” as I see it is they include everything from no symptoms to a sniffle to dying on a ventilator. And it’s not a great time for people who have avoided it so far and still have good reason to think they might tend towards the latter category when then do encounter it. They probably have other problems too, mind.

  6. @Rob Fisher “Cases” were actually anyone testing positive for any form of CoVid. Regardless of even something basic as actually developing symptoms..

    Which the last few months here in Clogland were by vast majority people who were fully vaccinated and supposedly immune…
    Which sort of drove home the point of the uselessness of The Testing to even the dimmest of hypochondriac idjits. And politicians.

    And CoVid19 has become endemic. It simply replaced our local variety, learned to wear suit-and-tie, and is actually more and more resembling the old local variety in behaviour and impact.
    Something about niches and crowded markets..

    Fun bit is that it is exactly the countries that were oh-so-proud of Not Letting It In are now the worst off. Because the vaccinations definitely help in building primary immunity, but they only work so-so for about 25-30% of people.
    And they can’t afford to lock everything up forever…

  7. Sounds like Spud read something in the Grauniad

    “The first myth is that coronavirus is now endemic, and just another disease we have to live with. We do, unfortunately, have to live with Covid. But the word “endemic” is commonly used in epidemiology to describe a disease that does not spread out of control in the absence of public health measures”

    The point is that Omicron is infecting a lot of people, but the hospitalization rates and death rates are well within the definition of “control”.

    The Grauniad piece is fairly ignorant. Magnified by the Murphy.

  8. @ V_P

    As barking mad as his claim that “literally no one” had worked out what to do with Nuclear waste from nuclear power stations.

    Except of course the French who have been doing it since the 1960s. A point made by a colleague of mine but which didn’t make it past the ‘censor’ as facts which dispel Spud’s world view are not allowed.

  9. Corona deaths on the dashboard indicate about 15% of deaths have had a +ve test outcome in the last 28 days (1613 in last 7 days and about 10,700 people die every week in the UK).
    The ONS data in round numbers says that 1 in 13 of us currently had it in the last survey, and if those people have it for 2 weeks, and a different set of people showed up as having it the previous 2 weeks, then around 2 in 13 of us currently have it or have had it in the last 28 days. About 15%.

    Lots of approximations in that, but I conclude as a first approximation that Covid-19 is now endemic in the UK.

  10. Is ‘dies’ rather than ‘died’ correct for you guys over there.

    Over 350 people *died* of COVID on one day

  11. “Andrew C
    April 11, 2022 at 3:17 pm
    @ V_P

    As barking mad as his claim that “literally no one” had worked out what to do with Nuclear waste from nuclear power stations.”

    Hell, *everyone* knows what to do with it – no one except the French can get their shit together enough to do it.

    Even if you don’t want to reprocess it and build a giant, safe, hole in the ground out in the middle of nowhere (like we did) you end up not being able to do it for political reasons.

  12. Extrapolating the figures to 110+ weeks since the virus started, and allowing for a constant level of infection, and infection being detectable for an average two weeks, we get…
    Everyone has caught it about four times. Controlling for those (me) who’ve never caught it despite paying no heed to the mask bollocks (I got my exemption badge on eBay) some people must have caught it a lot.
    Sounds pretty endemic to me. Man flu, Hu man flu, Wu han flu. Whatever.

  13. Bloke in North Dorset

    More than 350 people dies of Covid in one day last week.

    After all this time he still doesn’t understand the difference between reporting day and day died.

    Reporting day numbers are all over the place:

    11-04-2022 348
    10-04-2022 0
    09-04-2022 0
    08-04-2022 347
    07-04-2022 317
    06-04-2022 233
    05-04-2022 368
    04-04-2022 210
    03-04-2022 0
    02-04-2022 0
    01-04-2022 191

    Why didn’t he pick a day with 0 deaths reports?

    Even if you take the worst case definition of day of Covid death its nowhere near that number:

    “Daily numbers of deaths of people whose death certificate mentioned COVID-19 as one of the causes, and 7-day rolling average. There is a lag in reporting of at least 11 days because the data are based on death registrations. Data are shown by date of death.”

    25-03-2022 50
    24-03-2022 77
    23-03-2022 100
    22-03-2022 119
    21-03-2022 131
    20-03-2022 139
    19-03-2022 141
    18-03-2022 147
    17-03-2022 124
    16-03-2022 133

    We’re at the point where cases is close to meaningless. Cases shot up, hospitalisations went up, but we know that over 50% of those are incidental and patients in ventilator bends has barely moved from around 300, 10% of the peak in January 2021.

    (Those are UK numbers)

  14. In terms of data it looked like locally we had a pretty good pandemic with relatively low numbers.
    Then in January they announced hospitalisations would now be recorded as anyone positive regardless of reason for admission and not surprisingly the numbers tripled overnight
    Then in March they announced deaths would now be anyone who died within 28 days of a test, I expect our low death numbers to rise accordingly.
    Quite why you would move to a less precise definition after 18 months wasn’t explained, but I’m guessing that its to be consistent with other reporting so our numbers don’t make everyone else look bad

  15. BniC

    Total body count – it’s the only honest proxy, everything else can be manipulated/fudged. And total body count pretty much didn’t do anything at all, once the unexpected 18/19 prior year dip was taken into account/discounted for.

  16. The Government and media are still working hard to keep up the panic in New Zealand. We have 20-30 deaths daily ,supposedly with Covid, but what no one is pointing out is that the majority of those dying are in the 70/80/90 years age range. What a shock, old people are dying,something must be done.
    Yes a tragedy for their families, but at the age of 84, I am pissed off at being treated like a backward two year old. I know that if get it it may finish me off ,but let me get on with the rest of my life as I see fit to live it and that is not skulking behind the curtains waiting for the end.

  17. They are now busy trying to force up the price of chicken by using the fake PCR test to confirm bird flu then slaughtering flocks& not replacing them.

  18. @johnd2008 – April 12, 2022 at 2:11 am

    but what no one is pointing out is that the majority of those dying are in the 70/80/90 years age range. What a shock, old people are dying, something must be done.

    Much the same in the UK. Last time I looked, average age of death with Covid was 82.4 years. Pre-Covid the average age of death was 81.3. Get Covid and live longer!

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