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Ooooh, this is interesting!

But stock market and banking crises are the consequences of people not being able to meet their basis needs.

So 2008 must have been the result of the Brown Terror impoverishing the people then. Good to know, good to know….

The rest of his piece is, of course, a complaint about how a financial markets newspaper decides to report on financial markets. Ho hum.

16 thoughts on “Ooooh, this is interesting!”

  1. Gordon Brown did not cause the economic collapse at all. He saved the global economy with his brave financial moves. It was George Bush Junior and Dick Cheney who caused the global crash not the United Kingdom or Labour.
    Just as President Hoover, another Republican, was responsible for the depression.

  2. Dennis, Not Being Sarcastic At All

    George Bush Junior

    Who, exactly, is George Bush Junior?

    And how, exactly, did he cause said global crash?

    And where was George W. Bush when this was going on?

  3. Tony sibson the hard hitting middleweight from the 80s called Murphy out on his recession thread..Murphy said he will get back to him then sunk without trace..this alliance he has with Blanchflower is grating..

  4. Worth commenting on his rather entertaining viewpoint that a majority of Lower income voters are in favour of Net Zero. Of course it having being sold to them as being cost free and not impacting on their ability to travel freely, go on holiday or eat meat. It seems the ‘Mile End’ boys have the pulse of the working class voter…

  5. Stiv bators

    He doesn’t have even the vaguest clue about the real world and the causes of inflationas I said on the Last ‘Ragging’ post. My guess would be he will follow the standard narrative about ‘Price gouging’ – if he deigns to respond to Tony Sibson.

  6. Sure, share prices might fall in a recession. But the FT really should be talking about how people can make ends meet, and not the consequences for the wealthy of the inability of so many to now do so through no fault of their own.

    I do wonder what his pension provision is (if any?) For those who are auto enrolled or have a private sector pension then collapses in the prices of shares and bonds are really arguably as big a timebomb as the hyperinflation he and Blanchflower, and every other MMT advocate are directly responsible for causing. I do feel from his posts as though he may be dimly aware, in the recesses of what passes for a mind, that he could very well feel the rope literally around his neck if he and his ilk are exposed as having campaigned for:

    – Unlimited immigration
    – Unlimited QE
    – COVID Lockdowns
    – Huge public expenditure over 25 years on items with zero productive value within Much of the university (useless degree courses) and public sector (Jobs relating to anything on Race, Gender, Disability or Climate Change)

    Sooner or later there will be a reckoning. I’m thinking potentially not in the guy’s lifetime but he, and his ilk are very squarely the primary cause for the crisis we now face.

  7. Therefore unicorns rainbows and butterflies are the consequences of people being able to meet their, uh,basis? needs. The Great Carbohydrate’s logic cannot be faulted.

  8. The bloated starch at his very best

    “I give due notice that on this basis I have been seeking to overthrow this government for years because it has failed the people of the UK and because it has served its own self-interest and that of its clients very well.”

    He probably makes the trains in Ely run on time

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