Ghostwriting Experience, Skills & Requirements
We’re looking to hire experienced nonfiction and fiction writers.
You should have experience writing and self-editing ebooks of at least 10,000 words in length. Professional (paid) experience preferred.
You write impactful nonfiction pieces with appropriate voice, meaningful content, and easily digestible prose.
You excel at relaying facts and information to readers in an engaging way while properly researching and citing your work.
You understand, as a ghostwriter, that you will receive no official credit for the completed work.
You have impeccable writing and oral skills.
You are a deadline-oriented freelancer with a 2,000- to 3,000-words-per-day writing pace.
You understand what readers want, and you can write to market.
You have long-term availability. Our clients love for the same writer to create their series and monthly book orders.
You are available throughout the day to respond to team members and client messages on our platform.
You are reliable, well-spoken, open to constructive criticism, and a good communicator with experience building relationships with clients.
They’re offering $26 to $45 a day. A DAY. For this.
You’d make more at Maccy D’s.
Reads like they aim to make the trope of “struggling writer starving in a garret room” reality.
A day?
Do they watch me like a hawk? They can pay me by the word, or by the day; but they have to choose.
Can I use my automatic book writing software? It’s true that it’ll write stuff which is wrong or irrelevant or perhaps copied from somewhere else, but they’d never accuse me of wrongdoing? After all, if I identify as a most excellent author, I are one, right?
In all honesty, what should the going rate be for someone who can write a bit? It’s not exactly a rare talent, is it? Come to think of it, 45 bucks/day seems a remarkable generous market price.
Isn’t this well below minimum wage?
Since most of the newspapers and leftie content farms (but I repeat myself) rely on unpaid interns the rates are pretty good, actually.
BiS – yes and no. Writing should be a fairly straightforward thing to do, but many struggle to string a sentence together, let alone make it simple and concise. If you want something well written, then I’d suggest this is way too low. I wouldn’t sit down at my computer for that.
To add a bit of perspective to those who thing US$45 a day is reasonable recompense for 2-3,000 words plus all the other shit demanded.
OK, these are not UK or US prices, but in Hong Kong the main English language newspaper still pays wordage at the rate it paid in 1990 which is HK$2/word (US25c, UK 20p). So, churning out 2,000 words a day (without the additional admin overload) would net US$500. A far cry from US$45…
I have just agreed a deal to caption a photo book at US38c a word – and that is, for other reasons, below the true going rate.
Quite so, wordage hasn’t gone up in a generation. Thunderer column in The Times is £200 these days (450 words) just as it was in 2004. £250/000 at the Register – same 20 years back.
I’ve a gig at 11 cents US a word. But they’re simple words and they want 2,000 every day which takes mebbe 2, to 2.5 hours. With near no mumbling around over what to write, about, or how. That’s worth a lower rate, the ease of it. But 1.5 cents a word is taking the piss.
Back in the ’80s I vaugely recall I was paid £80 per page for writing in computer magazines. The wordage is fiddly to work out as over half of the content was computer code.
Digging out an old article, I see it filled about one page of article, and one page of code. So call it 50/50 text and code. A quick count gives me 1530 words for £80. 5.2p per word. But that was when £160 was a month’s rent!
I recently found some “artiste” copies of my daily wage as an extra, in the 90s – 65 quid per day. Pretty good for standing around in a costume.