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This is a statement and a half, isn’t it?

The seeds of the destruction of democracy were sown by Hayek and Friedman.

11 thoughts on “This is a statement and a half, isn’t it?”

  1. Harry Haddocks Ghost

    If he means Social Democracy, aka socialism and not actual democracy, he is probably correct.

  2. The promblem is, democracy sows the seeds of its own destruction. What happens when the people vote to help themselves to the treasury?

  3. So he’s ‘committed to the many’? Really?

    – Anyone who has savings will see them confiscated to pay for his pet programmes
    – Noone will be allowed to eat meet
    – You’ll be forced to rejoin the EU at less advantageous terms than previously
    – The only savings products you’ll be permitted to save in will pay a negative return
    – You’ll be allowed no choice over your children’s education or your healthcare
    – You’ll be prohibited from travelling abroad by plane

    Yes – I can see ‘the many’ voting for such a bleak manifesto

  4. BlokeInTejasInNormandy


    I know this will come as a surprise, but I doubt even the Oaf Himself would use those realities as the marketing materials for his schemes…

    What I’m hoping is that sometime soon, the sweaty masses will begin to understand that all this greenery and social redistribution simply means, in real terms, anyone with an income will find that it is being eaten away in ways which make life increasingly difficult and grayer and more miserable; and with no detectable upside. [Oh, goody, we have staved off the Day of Climate Doom until late June 2045, so keep starving in your unheated little garret, citizen! It is all to the best!]

    I hate agreeing with Steve, but – lions!

  5. Payroll withholding was certainly a nail in the coffin – it’s simply too easy to steal people’s money and hide the size of the tax bill from them with it

  6. Is there a way out of this evil? I don’t know. But I am not giving up.

    I had missed this statement – he’s going to play hide and seek with himself apparently… The lack of self-awareness is truly wondrous. The comments section is, if anything, even more idiotic.

  7. Is this the democracy that involves individuals having a say? Or the democracy where everyone agrees with Ritchie?

  8. So the authors of Freedom to Choose and The Road to Serfdom sowed the seeds of the destruction of democracy.

    You’ll remember the Fawlty Towers episode where the psychiatrist was staying at the hotel: “There’s enough material there for an entire conference.

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