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Well of course

Joe Biden called media mogul Rupert Murdoch “the most dangerous man in the world” and described his cable network Fox News as “destructive”, according to a forthcoming book.

The US president has never spoken in public about Mr Murdoch, 91, according to a database of Mr Biden’s speeches and other public statements.

But the president reportedly told an associate last year that he had “assessed” Mr Murdoch to be “one of the most destructive forces in the United States”.

The exchange was recounted in This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden and the Battle for America’s Future, written by two New York Times reporters.

Mr Biden has publicly berated Fox News reporters, and made reference to the right-wing network’s critical coverage of his presidency.

Near the entirety of the rest of the American media is a soft left centrist and further left culture. Even at Forbes would you believe? Not actively “we must promote the Democrats” you understand, not all of it. But the base culture of near all of the organisations is one that would read the Guardian – say – and think that was the middle ground.

Having someone irrupting from the right of that and speaking to the 75 million who vote Republican just isn’t what a centre left politician wants, is it?

10 thoughts on “Well of course”

  1. The best article I ever read about Murdoch argued that the idea he’s some Machiavellian mastermind is total bollocks, but that he’s something far more dangerous to the Establishment – a man who gives the public what they want. You can’t have that, they might end up thinking bad thoughts about politicians.

  2. If you had read any of yesterday’s papers you’d have got the impression that Vikto Orban is the reincarnation of Admiral Horthy. It’ s the way the world turns.

    The US media has slowly come to realise that they managed to con the “81 million” voters into electing Laurel and Hardy, but are stuck with them until 2024. Watch for their upcoming crucifixion of DeSantis and their hunting down of Sarah Palin if she stands for the House, while the Dems are given free reign to find some other bozo to make President.

  3. The Meissen Bison

    Joe Biden called media mogul Rupert Murdoch “the most dangerous man in the world”

    Excluding himself, presumably?

  4. “The last 14 months have offered one of the rare occasions in recent American history when the hard Left has operated all the levers of federal government. The presidency, the House of Representatives, the Senate, and the permanent bureaucratic state are all in progressive hands. And the result is a disaster that is uniting Americans in their revulsion of elitists whose crazy ideas are tearing apart the fabric of the country. ”
    ~ Victor Davis Hanson, AM Greatness

    Obviously the State and Deep State are not Left enough [sarcasm]

  5. Fox News is as much a part of the uniparty as Mitt Romney.

    Its just the left hates with a furious passion and the mob needs to be guided.

    But never forget that Faux News were the first network to push the narratives required by the stolen election

  6. “Near the entirety of the rest of the American media is a soft left centrist”

    No Tim, they are further left than ‘soft centrist’

    Sure, a lot aren’t hardcore communists, but they all swallow the socialist bait and most are shills for the DNC.

  7. Biden represents the return of the same “expert” consultants who predicted Hillary’s win and the UK’s post-Brexit death. They still think diplomacy will work on China, and that America must end every conflict in the world. They don’t even know what they don’t know.

    Someone needs to tell Joe 1992 called. They want their focus groups back.

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