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Whether it should or not is another matter

There remains the possibility that Mr Sunak, whose wife and children moved out of Downing Street to the family’s four-storey mews house in Kensington over the weekend, could resign in the coming days if more revelations appear, but publicly, at least, the immediate plan is to fight on.

But the two sets of revelations, non-dom and green card have meant he’s not going to win a GE. Therefore he’ll not get chosen as Tory Leader either. So, maybe he will go…..

7 thoughts on “Whether it should or not is another matter”

  1. Hubris is usually perceived as a characteristic of an individual rather than a group, although the group the offender belongs to may suffer collateral consequences from wrongful acts.

    When he does go there will be a shedload of collateral consequences for future generations as a result of his economic stewardship over the past 24 months.

  2. His job, which we pay him to do, and which he did not do, was to inform the PM that Britain could not afford lockdowns and that the fat fuck should grow a spine and stop listening to commies.

  3. Maybe as he can’t become PM he will give better advice and stop worrying about being PM in the future.

  4. I would have thought that advertising the location of the family is a particularly stupid act

  5. Labour’s swift change in its favoured racism/creedism – from anti-Jew to anti-Hindu – was impressive in its speed.

    I don’t suppose there’s an underlying similarity, is there?

  6. I’m a bit new to all this, but repatriating taxes from India to the UK… Bit colonial, isn’t it?

  7. I knew Boris had to be good at something. But no, very amateur character assassination of Sunak. But then modern racism (he’s not THAT black) on the part of the MSM and the envy of the general populace seems to have been enough.

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