Farmers have warned that supermarket shelves could be packed with cartons of Polish eggs as retailers turn to foreign suppliers in the face of escalating food prices.
Britain’s egg farmers are wrangling with soaring costs, which have gone up by almost a third since the start of the year, sparking pressure on supermarkets to pay them more for their produce.
Why has the US got a baby milk shortage? Because the government refused to approve foreign milk and a major US supplier shutdown
May 23, 2022 at 7:06 am
Farmers have warned that supermarket shelves could be stacked
We don’t need the rest. That’s a superior option to Supermarket shelves will be empty. Anecdotally, food is up 20-25% from 12 months ago: this is not the time to be re-introducing corn laws. If domestic suppliers can’t compete with foreign when the cost of transport has gone up faster than a certain resident of Ely when considering tax increases, then they really need to rethink their business.
Did Avian Flu have anything to do with this?
Feed wheat price has gone up a lot and 80% of egg/chicken costs are from the feed, the prices at supermarket level are not rising fast enough. Similar with pigs, pigfarmers losing around £60 per animal at the moment.
Strange how Poland seems to be immune from the Great Chicken Feed Crisis
If, as we are told, all this stuff (energy, fertilizer, grain, animal feed etc. etc.) is traded and priced globally, won’t the costs to the Polish producers have gone up too?
Starfish – the story is that those bloody Poles have “lower standards”* and we’re about to become a “dumping ground” for “cheap food”. Which would be, eh, baaaad, would you believe?
Corn Laws now!
*apparently eggs isn’t eggs
Our hens have been confined due to the bird flu rules. Now that they can roam a bit more freely they consume less chicken feed. We also give them kitchen scraps, they have very broad tastes and will eat pretty much anything. They really like spicy stuff like curry and Mexican style food.
“Why has the US got a baby milk shortage?”
Don’t American wimmins have boobs?
NFU needs to be smashed along with the Rail Unions
Don’t American wimmins have boobs?
All the energy goes into making them big rather than into milk production
Jgh – a lot of women struggle to produce boob milk (probably not helped by delaying pregnancy until their 30’s, being fat, or having the stress of a job on top of being a new mum)
In the olden days, assuming you couldn’t afford a wet nurse, people used to boil cow’s milk or something.
It’s a new version of “supermarkets are driving dairy farmers out of business.” Farmers are so wedded to subsidies that they simply don’t understand words like “competition,” “supply,” demand.”
I wouldn’t mind if they got them from the Gulf States, but I appreciate that as a solution it might be something of a Kuwait’s egg.
@stonyground I’d crack those eggs very carefully.
Of course, NYC’s Mayor Swagger is devoting resources to monitoring price gouging on baby formula. Democrats are actually better at coming up with ways to make a problem worse.
They’re all either fake or removed due to pronoun cancer.
Yes. our chickens are similarly unfussy
They are enjoying a bit of freedom having been incarcerated for the Avian Flu restrictions
Oman, Sam, any more puns like that and I’ll have to Riad you the riot act.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t at least part of this problem come down to ban on feeding animals food waste? Maybe the same laws apply in rural Poland, but I doubt that they’d pay much attention to them when chicken feed is at an all time high.
Not saying this is the case, but maybe?
“They really like spicy stuff like curry and Mexican style food”
I was told this is why you put out suet blocks with peppers as birds aren’t affected by the spices, but it stops the squirrels who are affected.
@BniC: Just imagining the squirrel version of “Ring of Fire”.
But surely Polish eggs are produced, packaged and shipped according to the rules n Reg’s of the mighty EU, and thus by definition are just about perfect, no??
I take it you’ve never actually met an actual Polish person from Poland? They’re…different. Smart, funny, sometimes a bit crazy, but they are not destined to be life’s bureaucrats. That would be the Germans.
John Galt
I most certainly have met such folk.
But since the EU is the most perfect creation and has rules n regs on eggy and other food production, then any Polish or Greek or whoever egg producer must be making eggs in accordance therewith.
I mean, that’s what rules n regs n inspectors etc are for, right??
Not entirely accurate
The government refused to approve foreign (UK/EU/Japan) baby formula After Gov’t FDA ordered major US supplier (42%) to shutdown in February — Not paying Fauci enough?
However, bountiful supplies of US baby formula at border for illegals
@Steve, May 23, 2022 at 11:13 am
+1 My mother has small boobs and could not produce sufficient milk to feed me. I was mostly bottle fed – will try to remember to ask her ‘with what?’
Life for farmers is tough when you’re down to your last Land Rover.
“My mother never breastfed me. She said she liked me as a friend.”
—Rodney Dangerfield
I asked today. Small boobs: Dr told her to bottle feed as she could not produce enough milk to feed me and that was why I was crying. Told to find a wet nurse or obtain SMA baby formula from pharmasist, shops didn’t/couldn’t sell