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He’s entirely gorgeous, inn’e?

So, Smurf used to tell us that when MMT started to cause inflation then the answer was to raise the tax rate, to extract some of that surplus money from the economy.

Now that the inflation is here as a result of MMT:

And actually, it’s bizarre that the government is collecting much more in tax, whether as VAT or other duties as a result of fuel price increases, which tax increases make inflation much worse.

Mustn’t raise tax to beat MMT caused inflation.

For of course the intention isn’t to produce any economics, at all, it’s to provide a narrative.

5 thoughts on “He’s entirely gorgeous, inn’e?”

  1. ““ Real Taxation has never been tried.”

    Neither has real MMT.””

    Nor real fascism.

  2. Theophrastus (2066)

    “For of course the intention isn’t to produce any economics, at all, it’s to provide a narrative.”

    Leftists are only interested in ‘narratives’. Facts are often inconvenient.

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