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Oh Dear God

When a new report suggested that people who use nitrous oxide when giving birth should be warned about the impacts on climate change, I felt the mild tremor of a collective groan uttered in unison across the country. More than one person sent me headlines accompanied by a rolling eye emoji.

Damn fool idiocy. It’s what happens when there’s a societal panic. Trivia wells up in importance. When they’re witch hunting then having a stammer is fatal* – because the trivial detail is held to be important. Climate change, CLIMATE CHANGE! Therefore women must give birth in pain to assuage our sins against Gaia.

Tossers. Waht’s actually necessary – even if we assume the IPCC is right in all things – is to dial back the use of fossil fuels – dial back, not even extinguish – and we’ll be fine.

*No idea, just what came to mind

20 thoughts on “Oh Dear God”

  1. We’re never entirely sure — which is probably the intention — if Timmy is pretending to be a climate alarmist in order not to be cancelled, or if he — on other matters generally a voice of reason — is pretending to be a sceptic in order to assuage his readers. But as his attitude is this is my blog and I don’t have to listen to you is what made ConTel and Expunct go out of business, we shouldn’t expect a clarification any time soon.

  2. Just been reading up on it. Apparently N2O is 265 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than CO2 but there is less than a housandth of N2O compared to CO2 in the atmosphere.
    So it is all bollox then.

  3. The major source of N₂O in the atmosphere is soil bacteria. Ban soil at once! Concrete the world!

  4. It’s like all the fuss they made about SF₆, though SF₆ doesn’t break down as quickly as N₂O.

  5. Well Tim. If we have problems with fossil fuels, good old uranium is a simple, off-the-shelf technology.

    We’d only have to get rid of the Greens and their idiot regulations first. But of course then we wouldn’t need to get rid of fossil fuels!!!

  6. The Pedant-General


    “Ban soil at once! Concrete the world!”

    I’m afraid like all performative religions, that won’t help either.
    – Soil is what plants need to absorb carbon
    – Prodution of concrete releases massive amoutns of CO2.

    So on both counts you are going to hell. Though I’m told that at least they manage to keep the heating on there….

  7. It’s this sort of thing:-

    Anaethetists spending their time to save CO2 of 166 cars? You could buy £50 of carbon offsets per month instead. What does an anaesthetist cost per hour?

    And not just the anaethetist but the people who wrote that article, made that video, all those students doing something eco instead of something surgical. It’s not even just the time, it’s the fucking distraction of it all. Bet if you paid these people for how many people they put under they did they’d soon be telling the Eco Eichmans to fuck off.

  8. “Though I’m told that at least they manage to keep the heating on there…”
    Depends on your preferred deity.

    The Nordic Hell is freezing.
    And both God and the Devil think the other is responsible for Milton Keynes.

  9. yet another example of the disdain shown to women’s pain

    I don’t think it is, it’s more ambitious than that. Greeniebollocks is a misanthropic death cult that aims to make you feel guilty for being alive and hopes to browbeat you into contracepting and aborting your way to dododom.

  10. I’ve said this before. The whole bloody issue is due to the enviromental not being to told the STFU & PO when there were few of them & they didn’t get much attention, right at the beginning. Never ever debate a subject on your opponent’s home turf. All you ever achieve is validating them.

  11. to assuage our sins against Gaia

    Who, if there is a problem, is actually causing it.

    @TtC – you have been reading Good Omens?

  12. The Pedant-General said”
    “So on both counts you are going to hell. Though I’m told that at least they manage to keep the heating on there”

    I assume Satan has no trouble getting plentiful supplies of gas from Putin.

  13. Anyone with that level of stupidity deserves whatever amount of pain they inflict upon themselves.

  14. I’m quite surprised we haven’t yet had mass terror attacks by greens, or at least a Jim Jones style event somewhere.

  15. The people who want to restrain greenhouse emissions by banning new gas boilers and new petrol and coal mines and. . . should ask themselves this.
    Would you approve a law mandating that all new thermostats had a maximum setting of 21C?

  16. Jack Elson

    Much too high for heating. should be 60F or about 16C
    Much too low for cooling. Min temp should be 85, about 27C

    Applies of course to all places where heating and cooling is provided. Public places. Trains. Cars. Schools. Restauarants (where the food on offer must also be constrained of course)

    Unpleasant but entirely survivable.

  17. The climate alarmists have been consistently wrong for more than thirty years now. Why is anyone still listening to them?

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