But has Aaronovich ever considered the one little fact:
In a 180-page screed written to accompany his massacre he alluded to his belief that something called “The Great Replacement” was taking place, in which American whites were being supplanted by people of other colours and ethnicities. This, he believed, had to be resisted.
I won’t name him and in any case he was just the latest in a bloody line of white men who, in various countries over the last decade, have murdered the innocent in the name of stopping this non-existent threat to the white race.
He’s saying this in a country where 14% of the population is foreign born. That is a hell of a change and it’s a recent one. And, well, whadda ya mean no one’s allowed to muse on it?
How, exactly, do you quash a theory?
The Flat Earth society is still going strong, after all, and there’s no evidence mounting up every day that ships are likely to drop off the edge, is there?
I do note that it is not considered at all immoral for a Palestinian to murder someone to resist their replacement by Jewish colonists.
I think it was Lenin who said the whole question is who will overtake whom.
Bear Stearns estimated in 2005 that there were waaaaaay more than 11 million illegals in the US, based on remittances and transfers back to Mexico.
Three Yale students also estimated the number to be somewhere between 16 million and 29 million (mean 22.1 million) a few years back.
The situation is the same in the UK I suggest, based on what I have seen and the fact that the authorities are fucking incompetent.
@JuliaM: I wonder about the Flat Earth Society. It’s said that in the 50s & 60s the US Communist Party was kept solvent by the subscriptions of FBI agents. I suspect the FES is equally kept going by round earthers taking the piss.
Fresh from the ‘Something of an error’ post below, where I note the media’s love of predicting disaster by extrapolating barely-detectable trends to make a story. This trend would make a wonderful disaster story with supporting data on crime, public services and such. I wonder why they haven’t noticed.
“And, well, whadda ya mean no one’s allowed to muse on it?”
Quite simply, he means that you can think it, and you can – for the time being – mention it in small groups on social media. But any reference to it on the MSM or in educational institutions, public services or large corporations will be vigorously censored and you’ll lose your job and reputation.
Ships are prevented from falling off the edge by the Giant Ice Wall that is protected by UN soldiers. Anyone attempting to climb the wall to look over the edge are disappeared. Those who say they’ve been to “Antartica” are disinformation agents.
For supposedly intelligent people y’all are really dumb.
Flat Earth Theory may be unusual, but it sure is popular. They have members all over the globe. 🙂
Instapundit has been going on about this recently. It’s well documented that Democrats, including the senile delinquent, promoted it back in the day.
Feel free to muse on it all you like, but if you don’t express public support for replacement then expect to get unpersoned pretty damn quick.
Funny how all these “Rightwing conspiracy theories” often seem more truthful than the output of our local governments Globohomo Propaganda / Ministry of Truth these days.
Almost as if we’re being lied to and expected to just suck it up like the horrid little proles that we obviously are. Having the temerity to question of correctly educated elite leadership, indeed. We’ll be complaining about their private jets next or the absolutely essential “10% for the big guy”.
What Joe Biden may have believed, supported or expressed in the past is a defect of your faulty recollection and anyway Joe Biden’s racist sins of the 1970’s were washed clean by being the Veep of the Great and Holy Obama, may his soft shuffle rhetoric bless us and keep him and Michael in wealth and happiness to puppeteer the occupants of the Whitehouse for ever and ever. Amen.
“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”
George Orwell, 1984
Julia, the theory has been comprehensively quashed. A simple application of Newton’s law of gravity shows that all really large masses have to be spherical.
What hasn’t been quashed is the propensity for some people to believe stuff in the face of all reason. However it may be that the Flat Earthers can’t even deal with the basic concept of gravity, even when they live on a planet where it hurts when you fall over.
That 14% doesn’t include the first and second generations of recent immigrants born here, so the real number you should be using is much higher.
I’m sure David Aaronovitch only has our best interests at heart and definitely isn’t seething with barely concealed ethnic hatred against the people he describes as “white men”.
Just like he loves Iraqis, Libyans, Syrians and so on.
A white man murdering brown people in the USA is obviously of global importance, for the exact same reasons that brown people murdering white people is of no import and quickly forgotten by the press.
@John Galt
“Flat Earth Theory may be unusual, but it sure is popular. They have members all over the globe.”
All teachers: it is taught to our kids in school. Part of the National Curriculum.
A ball thrown through the air, neglecting air resistance, describes what curve?
My kid’s A-Level physics teacher was most indignant when I corrected him. He insists on teaching that it is a parabola, and that the world is flat. Satellites & orbits: does not compute.
He didn’t even resort to the argument that OK, it’s an ellipse really, but the maths is easier with parabolas, so the lie is ‘mostly accurate’. He really did think it was a parabola.
I then asked him if he’d ever seen an airplane fly inverted…
The problem for Mr Aaranovitch is that the ‘Great Replacement Theory’ is backed up by data and the evidence of people’s own experiences.
He’s saying this in a country where 14% of the population is foreign born.
In London in the 2011 census, 36.7% were foreign born. Mr Aaranovitch could just look out of the window if he wanted to do some research.
Has Aaronovitch never heard of Sweden?
There are plenty of examples of American lefties gloating over how the population is changing and it’s not accidental. So, “replacement” is happening and at least in part by design. Whether we want it to happen or have it happen through the current means should be open to debate.
And the crazy little bastard’s 180 pages rambled all over the socio-political map. But somehow his description of himself as an eco-fascist and socialist aren’t noticed.
Sure, but those who “believe” in Flat Earth Theory (as opposed to the trolls, grifters and opportunists) are a bit hard of understanding if you get what I mean.
Like “Mad” Mike Hughes, who launched his own steam powered rocket to see for himself, didn’t achieve sufficient altitude and the parachutes didn’t have sufficient time to arrest his fall before he hit the ground.
Bravery? Yes
Commitment? Yes
Intelligence? Yes (hard enough to build a rocket at all)
Wisdom? Not so much
It’s not so much that they are stupid people as that they are foolish and gullible with a level of mistrust in science that goes beyond the reasonable.
“How, exactly, do you quash a theory? … The Flat Earth society …”
I suggest you explain the history. Nobody had believed in a flat earth for centuries. Medieval sailors and intellectuals knew the world was round. The notion of medieval belief in a Flat Earth was promulgated in the 19th century, principally by Washington Irving, as a way of attacking the Roman Catholic Church.
That’s a noble cause, to be sure, but lying is an ignoble way to pursue it.
pendantry alert
It’s not a globe, it’s an oblate sphere. So it is a little bit flat.
Depends where you’re living & how far you travel, dearieme. A long way from a coast it can be flat or a bowl. On the sea it’s obvious ships & islands appear from over the horizon. Much the same if you walk as far as the mountains.
People will try & model the world according to the information available to them. Hence religions. They’re still doing it. Dark matter & energy? Makes the maths work.
Doubling up on the pendantry, it’s actually an oblate spheroid.
So, I don’t necessarily think it’s a problem but . . . When you go from a country that was something like 85 percent one ethnicity to around 60 percent – like it’s *happening*.
But instead of making a case for why this isn’t an issue, these people just want to pretend it’s not happening.
@ JuliaM:
How, exactly, do you quash a theory?
You show it to be false using evidence and data.
Quite so. Scientific method and all that. The real question should be “How do you quash a theory when all evidence and data points to it being true”?
That’s a bit harder to do and remain honest.
The observation that the white population is having fewer children, aging and becoming a smaller portion of the total has been made for years. The left has been shouting with glee that changing demographics will lead to a brown progressive future led by rich old white hippies. This year the hippies are sweating bullets that the browns might not stay on the rez.
There are, of course, interesting questions to ponder about which populations are growing and which are not. Japan’s becoming positively ancient. The populations of China, Russia and much of western Europe are expected to start to decline in a generation. Even Latin America may be flatlining. The US, Canada and Australia will probably continue to grow modestly, but substantially due to immigration. The populations that are growing are in central Asia and Africa. At some point they may start expanding out, especially if other countries’ populations contract.
@Steve T
“That 14% doesn’t include the first and second generations of recent immigrants born here, so the real number you should be using is much higher.”
A good point. Although some of the 14% would have been born to UK citizens living abroad.
I know at least 5 like that!
So the figure is harder to calcuate.
Has Aaronovitch never heard of Sweden?
I’m sure he masturbates himself to sleep every night thinking about Sweden.
The Earth’s not an oblate spheroid, it’s a geoid. Which is a fancy word for Earth-shaped.
John Galt; that was my point really, but perhaps poorly made…
I can’t speak for Murca, but the ‘race replacement’ theory seems likely to fail in the UK because of the rise of mixed race people. I suspect that if mixed-race England rugby player Joe Marchant and his blonde girlfriend have children, those kids are going to have a tough time telling everyone they’re black.
They might try it, I suppose, but that just means Britain will become a nation of white people slightly duskier than their grandparents and in denial about their ethnicity.
I f I am wrong, we will all have to take comfort from the spectacle of cowardly lefty Jews like Aaronovitch trying to persuade their dusky overlords that they aren’t white. Not that the muzzas care what colour a Jew is, of course.
And you are the perfection of architype “Jgh”. Absolutely true, yet absolutely worthless as a description of “Jgh”. Whereas calling Earth an oblate spheroid is a relatively accurate description.
The world is not filled with object oriented programmers for whom calling Earth an instantiation of type Geoid is meaningful.
If you get what I mean…?
“in 2017/18, there were 8.1 million pupils at state-funded primary, secondary or special schools in England – of those, 67% were White British, 11% were Asian, 6% were Black, 6% were from the Other White ethnic group, 6% had Mixed ethnicity, and 0.4% were from the Chinese ethnic group”
“from 2001 to 2011, the percentage of the population of England and Wales that was White British decreased from 87.4% to 80.5%, while the Other White group saw the largest increase in their share of the population, from 2.6% to 4.4%”
These figures are from here, by the way. https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk/
The school population figures were a real black pill moment for me, personally.
In London in the 2011 census, 36.7% were foreign born. Mr Aaranovitch could just look out of the window if he wanted to do some research.
Aaronovitch never leaves Quislington. Not even to go to Hackney. Especially not to go ot Hackney.
‘Quislington’. Like it.
“I can’t speak for Murca, but the ‘race replacement’ theory seems likely to fail in the UK because of the rise of mixed race people. I suspect that if mixed-race England rugby player Joe Marchant and his blonde girlfriend have children, those kids are going to have a tough time telling everyone they’re black.”
Someone made this point about the US census. On current trends, people identifying as “white” will be in a minority by 2045, but that doesn’t mean latinos or blacks will be larger. What’s growing considerably are mixed race people.
Off topic, but geography and geospacial intelligence really can be an issue that needs some thought.
There are days on the military imagery-analysis course (where being able to not just work out what’s in a picture, but where it is to here’s-your-Brimstone missile levels of accuracy) spent on the various models, approximations and representations of the Earth’s precise shape; the means by which various co-ordinate systems lay onto them; and how to use software like FALCONVIEW to try to resolve the ambiguities and confusion.
One background problem we had, a decade ago during the nastiness in Libya, was the problem that much of the mapping of the deeper desert dated back to the 1930s and was printed in Italian; trying to relate scans of those maps, to modern Digital Terrain Elevation Data (remembering the problem that sand dunes wander about over the years…) and the geographical metadata in reconnaissance imagery, was… well… interesting.
The UK is used to having accurate, reasonably up-to-date mapping available on demand; you’d be amazed how many countries either don’t do surveying, treat the results as State secrets, or actively falsify the outputs.
…or bugger about drawing elephants out of contour lines. That was most definitely us, albeit Imperial us’s. Not Johnny Foreigner.
How to Hide an Elephant in a Map
I guess when you’re building a railway at a pace of 3 miles a day across burning hot desert to retake Khartoum, then having an idea of both where you are and where you are going is pretty important. Blaming Johnny Foreigner for inaccurate maps when you’re using them to fight over what was previously their empire seems a bit ungrateful though.
Lot harder to do decent cartography when it’s a push-button GPS than when you’ve nothing more than a theodolite, slide rule and a bunch of hand calculated log tables that themselves contain errors.
Need to give our great, great grandfathers generation (British and Foreign) some appreciation, not that it was done well, but that it was achieved at all.
The very mainstream media calling the “replacement theory” a right-wing conspiracy theory, is the same media that pushed stories cheering whites becoming a minority and stories about eliminating “whiteness.” Yes, even the New York Times and Newsweek.
Not saying I subscribe to that obsession either way, but there is an element of truth to it and, at the very least, these sleaze balls can’t pretend they weren’t pushing these ideas themselves.
But here’s an important observation…
When someone spreads an idea that’s obviously false, like the flat earth theory, or a bogus accusation about you, or that belief that you can get all of your nutrients from the sun, a normal person will simply laugh about it. Even if those ideas start to spread a bit, as long as they are not being written into law, they continue to be a laughing stock of society.
The only time normal people grow concerned about ideas, is if they transition into physical violence (as with AntiFa and BLM), or if they jeopardize national security (leaking military secrets). Even then, it’s behavior and not the ideas themselves that will cause us normies to become worried.
The Left is worried about “disinformation” and “conspiracy theories” not because these ideas are laughably incorrect, but because there’s enough truth in these ideas to threaten the Establishment’s power. You don’t engage in fear-mongering and attempt to pass laws and regulations to prevent people from speaking nonsense.
I should probably add that, if a leftist were to claim that this particular theory is “dangerous” because a racist retard committed a massacre after subscribing to it, then they should completely do away with anti-industrialist ideology. Unless they want to become the next Unabomber.
See how this works? Soon we won’t be having any ideas, will we?
Arthur the Cat: “I suspect the FES is equally kept going by round earthers taking the piss.”
Yes.. The world needs its (relatively innocent) Clowns. They be Precious.
Jason, It’s probably a lot easier to generate military grade maps for specific areas now, even if the locals have printed fairy tales. As you can see from Google Earth, it’s pretty good even for us civilians, so military satellite photos plus SAR plots plus radar mapping for the terrain height should produce something very good and very up to date. If you want centimetres it may need to be reconciled with local control points, or perhaps not now?