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Gosh, is this so?

Accelerating political violence, like the attack in Buffalo, increasingly blurs the line between the mainstream political conservative movement and outright murderous insanity. The question is no longer whether there will be a civil conflict in the United States. The question is how the sides will divide, what their strengths and weaknesses are, and how those strengths and weaknesses will determine the outcome.

Interesting that the violence by Antifa, BLM and so on isn’t a blurring of the lines between mainstream progressives and outright murderous insanity really, isn’t it?

According to a New York Times series, Tucker Carlson has articulated the theory of white replacement more than 400 times on his show.

And how many times has the NYT gleefully pointed out that the US is about to become a minority majority nation? Which is saying much the same thing but just using a different description of it.

16 thoughts on “Gosh, is this so?”

  1. I think that secession or “devolution” by some states is a real possibility. All mid-westers that I have met have a profound hatred for the DC/NY/California nexus. These states aren,’t confident to secede because their populations and economies aren’t large enough. They might well do so if Texas or Florida took the lead. I think all it will take is some ham fisted federal diktat ( I dunno, Abortion ? Mandatory Vaccination ? Repeal of the 2nd?) to set the wheels in motion.

  2. I forgot to say.

    Also a feeling that the electoral cards are stacked against them. This happened recently in Georgia where Republican turnout in two senatorial by-elections collapsed because a) they thought the candidates RINOs and b) they considered the election rigged anyway.

  3. They might well do so if Texas or Florida took the lead.

    I believe Texas still has the right to secede from the US, should it choose to. The others might find it a bit more difficult.

  4. Individual states have their own constitutions in which thay can place their own rights and protections. If Texas wants gun rights they can put it in their constitution. If California wants abortion rights they can put it in their constitution. That’s the entire point of the American federation. And *explicitly* stated in Dobbs v Jackson, page 127.

  5. Yes exactly jgh.

    Those were examples off the top of my head. But what I meant was the Federal government trampling over a state’s rights to decide its own affairs.

  6. The leftwing American political class, incredibly, continues to cling to its defunct institutional ideals. Democrats under Biden have wasted the past two years on fictions of bipartisanship and forlorn hopes of some kind of restoration of American trust.

    They must think that people don’t remember the demonisation of Donald Trump and his supporters which started in 2015, and the violence against them at his rallies, throughout his time in office, and which continues today, also the ‘Russiagate’ nonsense promoted by Hillary and the whole media class.

  7. @BiW When things get that bad, I think you’ll find “rights” on paper mean little in the face of actual civil war/secession..

    Remember… the dutch didn’t have the “right” to secede from the spanish empire, nor did the US have the “right” to secede from the british empire, or the french/russians the right to rebel against the monarchy, or….

  8. @BiW When things get that bad, I think you’ll find “rights” on paper mean little in the face of actual civil war/secession..

    Of course – but when the other party is a self-proclaimed democracy, and is following the “rule of law”, it’s a lot harder for them to launch an all-out civil war to prevent Texas doing what they’ve previously agreed is permitted.

  9. I’d go with the murderous insanity faction myself. More ammunition for their assault rifles! Always back a winner. Anders Breivik a Hero for Our Times. We’ll get around to awarding it in due course

  10. According to Joe Biden, AntiFa is just an “idea.”

    According to New York Congressman Jerry Nadler, AntiFa is a “myth.” Welp, this idea/myth has been putting a lot of innocent bystanders in the hospital somehow.

    It’s laughable that they use the term “mainstream conservative movement.” The entire reason we even got Trump in the first place, is because Reagan, Bush, Bush 2.0, John McCain and Mitt Romney were already “Nazis” to the leftists.

    It has nothing to do with “extremism.” Trump is far more centrist than most of those mentioned above, in terms of his policies. He also caused less international conflict than Biden has in less than two years. The left/Establishment is just pissed that their gravy train has jumped the shark after over 50 years, and people have started to wake up.

    The Supreme Court didn’t “outlaw” abortion. They got the federal government out of women’s bodies. The leftists got the federal government so entrenched in vaginas nationwide, that they had every man as well as woman paying for other people’s abortions with their taxes. Thanks to the recent decision, California can now have a Planned Parenthood on every street corner if they want. After 110 years, the Supreme Court finally stopped New York and other states from infringing on our basic 2nd Amendment rights. This isn’t extremism at all. It’s just the left having to deal for the first time with the fact that some people don’t agree with them.

    By the way, about 1 million people switched from Democrat to Republican in the past year (and that’s not counting people keeping their Democrat registration but voting Republican in the next election). Not saying that’s everything you need to know about the country’s politics, but it’s definitely something.

  11. By the way, about 1 million people switched from Democrat to Republican in the past year

    Yeah but in an electorate of nearly 200 milion (?) That’s a bit of a rounding error. We over here forget the scale of the USA, I sometimes wonder whether Americans realise it.

    By the way lakd… I’m not criticising, you are correct in your analysis ( excpet for McCain and Romney who were RINOs writ large ).

  12. It has nothing to do with “extremism.” Trump is far more centrist than most of those mentioned above, in terms of his policies.

    Same over here with Boris, who is depicted (by The Guardian and BBC, inter alia) as ‘extreme right’ when, as evidenced by the policies he has pursued, he is by nature and inclination very much on the left of the Conservatives. In the UK this all stems from Brexit, when the Remain campaign tried to depict those who wanted to Leave as racist bigots desperate to restore the Empire (perhaps they’d been taking electoral advice from Hillary). Convinced by their own rhetoric, they conclude that anyone who supported Leave must be a neo-Nazi – how they square this with Gisela Stuart, I’ve no idea.

  13. @Ottokring
    It’s true we have a large electorate, but the last Presidential election was only decided by about 60,000 votes. It isn’t the safe districts this will affect, it is the swing districts in the suburbs. Here in Texas, a district that has always been Democrat for a hundred years has gone Republican. This is significant.

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