David Lammy has called on Labour to “categorically” oppose a 10 per cent pay rise for airport workers, sparking a row with one of the UK’s largest unions and accusations of hypocrisy from the party’s Left wing.
The shadow foreign secretary moved to toughen Labour’s stance ahead of a “summer of discontent” over falling pay by saying he did not support strikes and “categorically” opposed strikes by BA staff, “because I’m serious about the business of being in Government”.
It’s difficult to understand the triangulation that gets him to that position….
I can sort of see where he’s coming from.. And it’s sort of a rock-hard place thing where he tries to explain the UK shouldn’t do a Turkey, which includes keeping a lid on wages.
Of course, being Labour he isn’t used to the lingo and it comes out all crooked and rusty.. And it’ll have the hardliners screaming bloody murder..
The triangulation is that someone from Starmer’s office phoned him in a panic early on Sunday morning, saying that they’d just heard he was doing the telly interviews this morning, and that he wasn’t to say anything that could associate Labour with bearded ladies, high petrol prices, or strikes.
On my social media feed, I am being plagued by messages by that idiot Burgon. At first they were quite amusing but now they are starting to get on my tits. I don’t really want to block him, that’s rude and against my principles. Anyway he has no qualms about supporting any strike that is going on.
There’s a recruitment problem for airport workers. A free market would address that by changing the terms of employment to attract more. No strike or union should be necessary.