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Isn’t this just a vile, fascistic, right wing thing to do?

supported calls for “freedom of conscience” provisions to enable medical staff to object to providing legal abortion services.

Given that that’s what British law currently is, NHS employees can opt out, how evil can you be to support something like that?

17 thoughts on “Isn’t this just a vile, fascistic, right wing thing to do?”

  1. our media has spent years ignoring the Christian Right’s attacks on LGBT+ people and reproductive rights, preferring instead to publish a constant torrent of Christian Right anti-trans talking points and to platform Christian Right-funded anti-trans groups.

    Ok, lol

    the global anti-trans movement is part of the global anti-gender movement

    The Pope, JK Rowling and Ricky Gervais meet in secret to TRICK people into thinking Gary isn’t a woman.

  2. It’s not as if Carrie et al are ever going to need an abortion legal or otherwise, but as always it’s all about me me me me me me.

  3. Dennis, Correct And Therefore Hateful

    Better to concoct a ludicrous conspiracy theory than admit the truth: much of our media has spent years ignoring the Christian Right’s attacks on LGBT+ people and reproductive rights, preferring instead to publish a constant torrent of Christian Right anti-trans talking points and to platform Christian Right-funded anti-trans groups.

    Actually, that’s ludicrous conspiracy theory right there.

    In Carrie’s world, there is no such thing as principled opposition to his worldview.

    The argument, if you can call it that, is simple: trans men wanted to be included in discussions of reproductive healthcare; that somehow erased women;

    Less than a month ago, in testimony before Congress, several health professionals (including MDs) were unable (or refused, if you like) to provide a medical definition of a woman. Carrie acts as though the woke attempt to erase womanhood is a fantasy, whereas in fact it is very much a reality.

    Here’s reality: There is no such thing as either a “trans man” or a “trans woman”. Neither exists. Caitlyn Jenner isn’t a woman, trans or otherwise; he is a surgically mutilated, drug taking man pretending to be a woman. That is Jenner’s personal fantasy, which I am free to accept or reject at my discretion.

    Therein lies the part of the equation that Carrie doesn’t understand. The decision as to whether I am to view you as a woman rests with me, not you.

    The only conspiracy worth noting doesn’t involve the “Christian Right”. It involves The Woke attempting erase science in pursuit of imposing the fantasy world of a small number of maladjusted and unwell people on the rest of humanity.

    Question: A dog has four legs and a tail. If you call the tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?

    Answer: Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg.

  4. It’s good to see you’ve moved Carrie’s (Geezer-in-a-Frock) posts from the classification ‘feminism’ to ‘abortion’. Shame it can’t be retrospective, but I s’pose we can’t have everything.

  5. Dennis

    You’re spot on in you assessment of this bizarre theory being peddled by Marshall:

    That is Jenner’s personal fantasy, which I am free to accept or reject at my discretion.

    Therein lies the part of the equation that Carrie doesn’t understand. The decision as to whether I am to view you as a woman rests with me, not you.

    The only conspiracy worth noting doesn’t involve the “Christian Right”. It involves The Woke attempting erase science in pursuit of imposing the fantasy world of a small number of maladjusted and unwell people on the rest of humanity.

    The only issue I’d have with this statement is increasingly the choice lies with you only in the sense that failure to recognise it as a ‘woman’ would likely cost you your job, your pension, any prospect of future employment and possible incarceration (or certainly in the U.K. at the very least a ‘Non Hate Crime incident’ on your record) – these people have the whip hand in every sense. Takes a man of means to take them on…

  6. Agree with what you say, V_P, but we’ve got where we are due to general gutlessness now prevalent. This, the Climate Catastrophe nonsense, open door immigration, slavery reparations etc etc could have been dealt with at the start with the question “Which part of fuck off didn’t you understand?” And you wouldn’t have hazarded your career by doing so. But the zeitgeist is cowering deference. So it can only get worse until the lobsters are cooked. Unless some of them grow backbones.

  7. Ask that bird if an NHS employee should be forced to provide a fetal lobotomy if that’s what the mother wants.

    Or if a bartender should be forced to serve a pregnant woman if she orders a few shots of Jameson.

    Or if a convenience store should be forced to sell fags to a pregnant teen.

    Yes, I’m using hypotheticals.

  8. BiS

    I couldn’t agree more with you – the problem
    Being when you face abject penury (as do your children) it’s very tricky to take a stand. The Trans lobby hold all the cards unfortunately – our society has been consistently undermined for over seven decades by the likes of Murphy and other left wingers – not much left to overthrow

  9. I sneeze in threes

    Old story but how long before someone asks to just snip of a leg off the fetus as they want a disabled child? (Possibly helps with begging or being a pirate)

    “A deaf lesbian couple in the US deliberately tried to create a deaf child. Sharon Duchesneau and Candy McCullough hoped their child, conceived with the help of a sperm donor, would be deaf like the rest of the family. “

    “ The women, both professionals in the mental health field, insist that they would still love their child if it could hear”

  10. @V_P
    But that’s where it’s taken us. It’s not that long ago most of this shit would have been regarded as part of a comedy turn. It’s like I’ve said on other subjects. You don’t debate with people like this because by debating you’re validating their position. It’s something they certainly understand. They don’t debate, they insist & demand. They are not going to give an inch so you’re just negotiating how far you’re going to concede. And then you’ll be into another round of debate with another opportunity to concede more. Don’t start the process. You’re not going to win.

  11. I sneeze in threes said:
    “A deaf lesbian couple in the US deliberately tried to create a deaf child. … The women, both professionals in the mental health field …”

    Professionals? As practitioners, or examples?

  12. The po-faced bore David Steel sought decades of credit for introducing the Abortion Act, but if you read the transcripts of the debates you’d be hard-pressed to find any connection to the actual practice of what the abortion industry became.

    I’d like to do a FoI request to find out how many women in the last couple of decades were refused abortions by failing to find two doctors to sign off that it was necessary. I’d wager there wasn’t a year when that number was in double figures.

  13. That is Jenner’s personal fantasy, which I am free to accept or reject at my discretion.

    The crazy part? Jenner *agrees with you*. He/she doesn’t care, they’re going to do what they want and are willing to leave you alone to do the same.

    In my (extremely limited) experience – that’s how you tell the difference between genuine gender dysphoria folk and the rest that just fetishize women to the point they want to be one. The former just want to get on wit their lives. The latter insist you participate in their fetish.

  14. “our media has spent years ignoring the Christian Right’s attacks on LGBT+ people and reproductive rights, preferring instead to publish a constant torrent of Christian Right anti-trans talking points and to platform Christian Right-funded anti-trans groups.”

    LGBT+ means that trans are included in the group. So the media has been ignoring the issue and instead has been publishing a constant torrent about the issue. I’m confused. Did the media ignore it. Or did the media publish it.

  15. Just as homosexuals gained widespread acceptance we are now bludgeoned with the trans lobby. When society finally yields to the trans brigade who will they turn their attention to next? MAP’s?

  16. How much of that widespread acceptance of homosexuality is being repeatedly & continually told there’s a wide acceptance of homosexuality?
    It’s something I haven’t particularly noticed.

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