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It’s possibly more about gay than black

Bishop Robert McManus told the Nativity School in Worcester, Massachusetts, that the flags sent a “confusing and scandalous message” and sought to “disrupt the family structure”.

“It is my contention that the Gay Pride flag represents support of gay marriage and actively living a LGBTQ+ lifestyle,” he said. “This is also true of Black Lives Matter.”

School resists removal
After raising the flags in 2021, the school resisted demands by the Diocese of Worcester for them to be removed, despite warnings it would be banned from identifying as a Catholic school if it failed to do so.

Whether the Catholic Church should be against aspects of the LGBT set – the existence ain’t it, it’s the practice – is another matter but it’s fairly well known they are, no?

8 thoughts on “It’s possibly more about gay than black”

  1. ‘I publicly stated in an open letter dated, May 4, 2022, that “these symbols (flags) embody specific agendas or ideologies (that) contradict Catholic social and moral teaching.” It is my contention that the “Gay Pride” flag represents support of gay marriage and actively living a LGBTQ+ lifestyle.

    This is also true of “Black Lives Matter.” The Catholic Church teaches that all life is sacred and the Church certainly stands unequivocally behind the phrase “black lives matter” and strongly affirms that all lives matter.

    However, the “Black Lives Matter” movement has co-opted the phrase and promotes a platform that directly contradicts Catholic social teaching on the importance and role of the nuclear family and seeks to disrupt the family structure in clear opposition to the teachings of the Catholic Church.’

    The decree of the Bishop of the Diocese of Worcester supports your argument Tim.

  2. The Pedant-General

    “The decree of the Bishop of the Diocese of Worcester supports your argument Tim.”

    It also happens to be true and worth shouting from the rooftops. Let’s see if they have the balls to stand up for their position. I really hope so.

  3. LGBTQ Pride actively encourages sin, and BLM is fundamentally based on the demand that black people shouldn’t have to obey the law.
    I don’t see how any Christian could support either…

  4. LGB is quite capable of chastity but the TQ+ bit is about overthrowing the natural order and coercing others to not simply tolerate but affirm their practices while doing a bit of recruiting in the process

  5. With the glaring exception of the pontiff the Catholic Church is showing itself to have far bigger ecclesiastical balls than other denominations, in which context the CoE is like Goebbels.

  6. I always thought pride to be one of the seven deadly sins. Why would a Catholic school be promoting sin?

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