What they suggest is that I make fanatical, abusive and offensive claims. In their opinion deporting people to Rwanda illegally is acceptable, but to call out for what motivates this poliucy is fanatical, abusive and offensive.
As a result they suggest that my blog should be monitored to prevent me doing this. Well, at least we now know where cancel culture is happening.
It took me a long time and a lot of thought before I called Johnson and the Tories fascists. But that is what they are. And unless we describe them as such they will still con some people into believing they are John Major style Conservatives – when he is horrified by what they are doing, as are those MPs of more moderate mind that Johnson expelled from the Tory Party to let this happen.
So report me to whoever you like. I know full well that whoever you might report me to knows what I am doing: I hardly hide my opinions. And I reserve the right to call fascists what they are, without fear. That is what is necessary to oppose evil.
It’s the other stuff that worries. That idea that the solution to inflation is increasing the budget deficit and printing more money for example……
Must admit I’d call our good friend a fascist. But, as I often point out, national socialism is the norm these days. With whites rather than Jews as the untermensch.
It took me a long time and a lot of thought before I called Johnson and the Tories fascists. But that is what they are.
I wasn’t aware that one of fascism’s aspects was genuflecting to anyone who identifies as transgender? (For example)
Given he has blocked over 20,000 people on Twitter and regularly blocks people from posting on his blog for him to complain about ‘cancel culture’ is almost beyond parody.
Things that make you go Hmm:
Number of people on the Rwanda meme flight before it got predictably cancelled by a leftwing judge: 7
Number of people Border Force gives free boat rides into the UK benefits system every day: ~400+
Depends on whether calling someone a fascist could be regarded as slander or libel. The prospect of a long & expensive court case would gladden the heart
Anyone know what happened about costs in the ongoing Madcatwoman affair? I do hope he appeals.
Reading Banks Twitter feed I think he is definitely looking to appeal, and I think if the judges weren’t pretty much all paid Remainiacs he should win at a canter – but unfortunately the judiciary is pretty much beyond redemption at this point.
Good point on the name-calling Tim.
It’s the bad ideas that are spouted that need to be mocked – government spending always and everywhere having a multiplier greater than 1 for example.
It’s the other stuff that worries. That idea that the solution to inflation is increasing the budget deficit and printing more money for example……
Why would you worry about what he says on any subject?
No damages were awarded. Banks will have to pay costs. Appeal against the public interest defence is unlikely to be successful. Catwoman was unable to use the defence that what she said was truthful. She had to rely on a claim that her slurs were in the public interest. For those interested in the legal shenanigans here it is
I find it interesting that the defence was based on the judge’s understanding of Catwoman’s lies, which was clearly not what Banks nor Catwoman thought they meant. Sometimes justice has to be seen to be believed (Beachcomber)
That’s a great link thanks! Really gets to the crux of the matter. Based on that I revise my assessments of Banks’ likely chances of winning on appeal. In terms of legal precedent it’s a very interesting decision – who is the arbiter of what ‘the public interest’ is? The Guardian/ Observer? Terrifying indeed.
Interesting link Diogenes. A bit biased, but then Bindmans were catwoman’s lawyers in a previous case.
Interesting that it’s in the public interest for the tweet that catwoman posted. But the judge then acknowledges that it was only really read by catwoman’s cloud chamber circle of supporters – so not the public that should be so interested in it.
Yes, it doesn’t matter whether it’s true or not, just as long as someone finds it interesting and it doesn’t change their opinion of you. I wonder how and when the concept of libel got so corrupted
Clause 16 of the Rwanda agreement:
” 16 Resettlement of vulnerable Refugees
16.1 The Participants will make arrangements for the United Kingdom to resettle a portion of Rwanda’s most vulnerable refugees in the United Kingdom, recognising both Participants’ commitment towards providing better international protection for refugees.”
* if a person lies
* and that person believes they have told the truth
* and that person believes that what they assert is in the public interest
…then they’re fine.
Great. I believe that Carole Catwoman is a g***-***ing ***ie ***ller, and I believe it is in the public interest for me to say so.
The term fascist has been devalued by those who having an inexhaustible supply of the word fling it about too loosely. Same with racist. They need a new pejorative. But how to protect its value?
Calling people who disagree with you fascists is the behaviour of the young and ill informed. The people who shout it have run out of ideas to counter the ideas of the so called fascists – it makes them feel good and all it achieves is burnishing your credentials with the like feeble minded. I doubt anyone whose been on the end of this mindless abuse has an eureka moment -“I’m actually a fascist and i need to change” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK-kWRAVmRU .
For all his bluster the spud shouting “fascist !” at anyone who disagrees with him, it is not the same as joining the International Brigades in 1936. Its about time he grew up , but then again he has to feed red meat to his feebleminded supporters such as PSR. It’s a living I suppose, but a life lived without dignity is not to be envied.
He seems to think words are magic spells that change people’s minds.
My words can kill Hitler.
The Spud says: The European Court of Human Rights that Johnson says we might leave to get his racist agenda through isn’t related to the EU. It was the creation of Winston Churchill, to stop fascism. Only Russia and Greece (during a coup) have left. But now we might. That’s his fascism for you
It’s hard to keep up with whether Winston Churchill is an indelible national saviour or an evil white supremacist who should be retrospectively cancelled.
But in any event I’m pretty sure his concept of human rights involved not torturing or gassing people and wasn’t intended to make it easier for primitive, violent tribesmen to move here and stab MP’s to death or groom children.
Re Banks v Catlady – Guido has spotted that the judge’s husband is a LibDem candidate with firm views on Brexit and who was responsible for it:
And I reserve the right to call fascists what they are, without fear. That is what is necessary to oppose evil.
So stunning, so brave. The ocean-going cunt would shake like a jelly in front of actual fascists.
If you want to see the true face of facism, go to the 100 Club, London, tomorrow night and see Frank.
Biased, Lying MSM
Rwanda, ECHR, Northern Ireland
C4 News asserts UK leaving ECHR would break Belfast Agreement
1 https://youtu.be/67USa3Oi4SY?t=439
2 https://www.channel4.com/news/there-remains-deep-problems-within-ni-communities-but-no-risk-to-peace-ni-minister-on-protocol
This is a lie, same as border, customs, tax, trade lies
1 Human : zero matches
2 ECHR : zero matches
This would be topical: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2022/06/the_distortion_of_fascism.html
Calling your political opponents fascists/ nazis is intended to dehumanise them and, ultimately, to justify violence against them.
some people use terms very loosely. But there has to be some correlation between the meaning of the words and what the author is trying to say, or what is the point.
If an elected Government introduces a policy which delivers on a manifesto promise, we tend to call that democracy. And given that in practice those caught up in it go to court to get it stopped, and usually win, you would have to accept we have due process.
OK, you might argue that raising taxes when the manifesto explicitly set out to lower them is not democratic, but we do at least acknowledge that a government is entitled to govern, and accept the consequences at the next election.
And then perhaps we should consider covid, and lockdown. Difficult not to accept that governing by executive order and ignoring and bypassing Parliament is a slippery slope away from democacy and our established constitution. I believe a former Supreme Court jusge made this point fairly eloquently. So perhaps there is something in this, Except unfortunately it appears still that there was popular support for this trashing of Magna Carta.
So Boris is many things, but Fascist is not one of them.