But, fifth, most of all Labour needs to come out fighting rather than be apologising for its very existence. It should be saying Brexit has failed, because it has. It should be saying that this was because the decision was made to leave the single market and it will seek to reverse that. It should say that leaving he single market was never discussed as an option in 2016 and so this option was never endorsed by the electorate. It should say it was Tory hardliners who created this crisis. It should say that it is confident that the EU would have us back in that market. It should commit to rejoining that market now.
A very large part of Labour’s core vote doesn’t want to go back in. We know this from the analysis of the referendum vote.
The virtue of this approach is that it’d give the voters a genuine choice in a matter about which it is evident that they feel strongly.
Of course another advantage of this approach is that I think Labour would lose!!!
Even the dumbest simpleton at the time knew we were coming out of the single market.
Because everyone from Farage to Mandelson said unambiguously, “leave means leaving the single market too”. And we the voters collectively said “that’s the fucking point you cunts”
leaving he single market was never discussed as an option in 2016 and so this option was never endorsed by the electorate
The Eighth Circle is a large funnel of stone shaped like an amphitheatre around which run a series of ten deep, narrow, concentric ditches or trenches called bolge (singular: bolgia). Within these ditches are punished those guilty of Simple Fraud. From the foot of the Great Cliff to the Well (which forms the neck of the funnel) are large spurs of rock, like umbrella ribs or spokes, which serve as bridges over the ten ditches. Dorothy L. Sayers writes that the Malebolge is “the image of the City in corruption: the progressive disintegration of every social relationship, personal and public. Sexuality, ecclesiastical and civil office, language, ownership, counsel, authority, psychic influence, and material interdependence – all the media of the community’s interchange are perverted and falsified”.
Hasn’t Surkia as recently as yesterday ruled out rejoining?
64 MPs disagreed. Only 4 Labour
so going back to EEA clearly not going to go down well with Labour MPs when they’ve already been asked.
Might have been a good idea in 2016 to say it was a close referendum, we’ll go for the easiest 50:50 option, fix farmland owner subsidies, fishing and much else and basically operate like Norway before revisiting the question.
Unilaterally granting free movement for work with NRTPF to all new EU arrivals if they want it is worth doing imv.
Can’t go back to EEA now though.
A couple of weeks ago a writer in the Telegraph compared GDP growth since the referendum for the four biggest EU (and ex-EU) economies. The UK had had more growth than Germany, France, or Italy.
I don’t put much weight on small differences in international comparisons but the data are clearly good enough to show that Project Fear was also Project Big Lie: the UK economy did not collapse on the day of the Brexit victory.
Once it dawns on Spud that Labour isn’t keen on joining the EU, he will no doubt pivot and start cursing the proles for lack of good judgment, etc.
“A couple of weeks ago a writer in the Telegraph compared GDP growth since the referendum for the four biggest EU (and ex-EU) economies. The UK had had more growth than Germany, France, or Italy.
I don’t put much weight on small differences in international comparisons but the data are clearly good enough to show that Project Fear was also Project Big Lie: the UK economy did not collapse on the day of the Brexit victory.”
Exactly right. I’ve not forgotten the dire predictions of cheese shortages, grounded planes, World War 3 with France etc – all hammered into our homes daily for 2 years via the BBC.
“Unilaterally granting free movement for work with NRTPF to all new EU arrivals if they want it is worth doing imv.”
No, under no circumstances do this. Its obvious that the State apparatus is a Fifth Column, they will ignore any rules about EU migrants not being able to claim benefits, or use the NHS or any other State services, and allow them access willy nilly. Just as they do now for all the illegal immigrants that use the NHS and other public services.
For a political economist this is weird.
Yes, but for a man who held an EU funded job it is entirely predictable.
No analysis of the referendum vote can tell us how many Labour supporters want to rejoin the EU. It can only tell us their opinion on the day they voted, which may have subsequently changed.
July 5, 2022 at 3:24 pm
You are correct Jim.
To paraphrase a famous amphibian, “The votes mean what I say they do. Nothing more. Nothing less”
Sorry. It was an egg, wasn’t it? Must have been thinking of Wind in the Willows. It’s late. I’m pissed.
While technically true this has the usual stench of “Lets just let the gammons die off and then vote again until we get the RIGHT answer” (which is always the glory of Rejoin). Always “Just one more revolution until peace”, eh comrade?
Leave won
Remain lost
We ain’t playing best out of 3
Live with it
@John Galt – “While technically true”
The best kind of true.
Leave may have won for now, but it’s not a sustainable position. For example, see https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/brexit-britons-uk-eu-wrong-leave-polls-analysis-b1008770.html which says that 49% of people now think that Brexit was a mistake (vs 38% with 13% don’t know). Gradually the lies and deceit are unravelling.
Oh well if one opinion poll says so, we’ll just have to get down on our knees and beg to rejoin. After you, Charles.
@Chris MIller
No hurry. I’d want the next referendum to be 2:1 in favour rather than narrow and contentious. And anyway, in the meanwhile we can amuse ourselves watchinmg the Brexit tears from the Brexiteers as they gradually realise that they’re never going to get what they thought they voted for.