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So here’s a fun question- Why?

Drag queens should be called “pantomime dames” to fool protesters, council librarians have been urged in a crisis meeting amid embattled “story hour” sessions for children.

More than 100 librarians attended the training earlier this month on how to handle the fierce row with parents over a country-wide summer tour by Drag Queen Story Hour UK.

Why drag queen story hour?

Story Hour, possibly, since the end of Jackanory, why not? But why drag queens? Why is this better if it’s a bloke in stage makeup?

Do note that drag does mean bloke in makeup, transvestite, not transsexual. So, what’s the actual point here? Why isn’;t it – or why isn’t it as well – middle aged bloke – or bird – in comfy slippers and smoking jacket story hour?

What is it that the enterprise itself is trying to achieve? For once we know what they think we can add that to our one evaluations of what we think about it.

My working assumption is that no one’s interested in prop forwards in a ballgown singing Judy Garland songs falsetto any more. Therefore the urge is having to find other outlets. But possibly someone has more actual fact on what the Tour thinks it is doing?

10 thoughts on “So here’s a fun question- Why?”

  1. Way way back in the 1980s I remember the staff at my local library in Camden protesting with their ubiquitous SWP placards outside the building in mid-winter because………it was too cold inside.

    Librarians will be recognised among the unsung heroes of the long march through the institutions as further evidenced by their enthusiastic promotion last year of a series of performances for young children by the “only slightly before his time” Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey and his cohorts.

  2. ’What is it that the enterprise itself is trying to achieve?’

    Simply this: sticking a thumb in the eye of ‘middle England’.

    It’s designed to break spirits and inculcate despair.

  3. Have none of these people seen Cabaret? 1972 film, won a bunch of Oscars.

    Or know how the increasing decadence of the social scene contributed to the rise in Nazism?

    People were generally ok with the gays being not persecuted and being free to be gay at home.
    Trying to involve the children now just makes it more and more likely that a new extreme leader will rise up. Especially with upcoming economic woes.
    2030s to rhyme with the 1930s?

  4. You may have seen recently the Police visited the female-rights campaigner known as Posie Parker to inform her that a ‘hate crime’ was being recorded against her for a Youtube video in which she was critical of pedophiles: The same goons who look the other way while the industrial-scale rape of children is going on.

    This is why people just shrug these days if a police officer is killed, and say the cunt probably deserved it. Because the cunt probably did deserve it. Personally I have a drink from my special glass every time it happens.

    And this state of authoritarian depravity – which would make Ernst Rohm blush – largely happened under Conservative governments.

  5. Ask yourself why ‘Drag Queens’ want access to other people’s children in the first place and why some government employees want to enable it…

  6. ‘Grooming gang’ seems much more appropriate. Child abuse is another.

    Familiarising young children with matters of sex and sexuality, so they accept it as natural discourse, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing to fear, nothing to be shy about – is what pædophiles do.

    Talking to children about sexual matters inevitably leads to – let me show you.

    Even if those involved in this child abuse themselves have no sexual designs on children, they are preparing the way for those who do.

  7. 2030s to rhyme with the 1930s?

    Not that I’ll be around but I hope, for the sake of my great-grandchildren to come, the 2040s don’t rhyme with the 1940s.

  8. I’m willing to bet that if it was a dude dressed as a typical woman in a library–with fake tits, sure, but wearing a blouse from Anthropologie and a skirt going at least to the knees–it would still be considered weird and possibly political, but there wouldn’t be so much of the collective disapproval that we’re seeing.

    The fact that they’re dressed as Disney princesses if they were on Pornhub (plus euphemistic pseudonyms) is why people are worried they might be groomers. The character is never a soft-spoken soccer mom named Susan.

    By the way, the Euphemistic Pseudonyms are playing the Moth Club this Wednesday at 7.

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