Tarjit Singh, who was born a female named Hannah Walters but now identifies as a man,
Race appears to be selectable now.
But this:
She said Singh is being held at a female prison
Putting someone with a v-jay into the male prison estate might well not work out well. Pity few seem to think about this the other way around really.
… a female what…. ?
More evidence this corrolates with brain rot, language facilities falling apart.
At least her crimes were sikh.
Putting someone with a v-jay into the male prison estate might well not work out well.
By the look of her, she’d be in little danger in even the toughest of nicks.
Perhaps more significantly, are we now blithely accepting of trans-race people? I’m sure I’d read they were terrible racists and couldn’t possibly be what they claimed, unlike blokes in frocks. Anyway, I like this new development, it promises all sorts of fun.
Thanks MC. So blackface is now the wokest of the woke instead of a hissing and a byword!!!!
I too look forward to the screeches of outrage.
Based on what? The name change would, at most, indicate that culture is selectable. Across racial lines, we’ve known that since Pocahontas at the latest. And the general principle we’ve known since at least Ancient Athens.
There’s some person who insists he’s a Korean woman and demands he be allowed to give birth to a Korean baby.
Breast binding, seducing retarded women, the strap on dildo in the dark…
Doesn’t seem that much actual transitioning happened.
I get confused, whether a trans man is actually a woman trying to become male or vice versa. But surely this “pretend” man is not in any way trans. He’s just a rapey homo.
Label them all transVESTites and treat them as cross-dressers.
AFAIK even the societies that indulghed in eunuchry never regarded eunuchs as female but simply as males with their tonkers chopped off.
“I get confused, whether a trans man is actually a woman trying to become male or vice versa.”
You’re supposed to.