Either that or my antivirus has gone more than a little mad…..ah, it seems to be only the story about the desalination plant…
Either that or my antivirus has gone more than a little mad…..ah, it seems to be only the story about the desalination plant…
People in the comments have been complaining about the same thing.
My tablet has Norton on it, but it has not whinged, yet.
I didn’t realise that the desal plant had actually gone ahead ( ie not bothered to find out) but, I think this might be an economic decision by Thames Water. It is probably humungously expensive to run and they can afford a hit on their reputation, because no one has a choice of providers.
Which antivirus do you use?
Given the Posh Gay Catholic Mafia that used to (?) run the place under Damian Thompson, I’d have thought the Libdemgraph was in more danger of monkeypox or maybe the Omicron variant of smuggery.
AVG on Windows?
We don’t need expensive desalination plants, we only need more resovoirs. UK is ‘miserable & rainy’ as euorophiles keep telling us
Telegraph View: Water rationing is an unacceptable failure
In addition to more desalination plants, new reservoirs need to be opened
Since everyone’s shrieking about the oncoming energy shortage, maybe they don’t think they’ll have the energy to run the plant.
Time to frack? And scrap the regs so you can build nukes faster??
A few days ago, we were duscussing the Thunderbirds episode The Mghty Atom. Well that was about the Hood blowing up an atomic desal/ irrigation plant. Perhaps that’s what Thames Water are scared off – a giant radioactive cloud threatening Melbourne, I mean Canvey Island … Whatever.
Some sense from Lord Frost
Shame he didn’t say get fracking and coal burning
Good article from Laura Dodsworth She says that energy leaderboards are pointless, distasteful and creepily authoritarian and that reducing energy is not like food waste but an immiserating race to the bottom
No to neighbourhood ‘nudging’ – energy leaderboards are no solution to sky-high bills
“In October 2021 Boris Johnson pledged that Britain could meet its ambitious net zero targets ‘without so much as a hair shirt in sight’ as the Government set out its plans to decarbonise the economy. ‘Green is good,’ he said, and not ‘inextricably bound up with a sense that we have to sacrifice the things we love’”
And in Telegraph:
Telegraph View: Britain is gripped by defeatism
Extinction Rebellion’s imagined utopia of a pre-lapsarian, pre-industrial past seems to have been accepted by many who should know better
Britain will pay a heavy price for falling into a Net Zero trance
We all face an apocalyptic financial disaster paying for the Government’s green pursuit, according to Ben Wilkinson
Our bills have been inflated by repeated regulatory failures and expensive government eco-vanity projects. The £13bn smart meter roll-out bumped up our bills over the years, while the collapse of tiny firms that were allowed to take on hundreds of thousands of customers has added £94
Soloution: End Green Crap and Net Zero get fracking and coal burning, sod ‘the future’ emotion bollocks, it’s now that matters. Future will do as needed
Extinction Rebellion’s imagined utopia of a pre-lapsarian, pre-industrial past seems to have been accepted by many who should know better
I’ve accepted it. Not that I want it, but it is what we are going to get. Good and hard.
Will police act and arrest these eco-terrorists for conspiracy to commit Terrorism Act crimes?