Richard Murphy says:
August 29 2022 at 9:40 am
Our gas supplies are not on the international marketWe’re just paying that price for them
In that case I cannot see what you suggest happening
So, if we go fracking then that will reduce domestic gas prices then!
Juche comes to Ely.
Has anyone ever seen Murphy and Kim Jong-Un in the same room?
Gas is quite expensive to transport. So a local producer has a variable cost advantage, that mutatis mutandis translates into a lower price.
“Our gas supplies are not on the international market” Yes, the two LNG terminals in the UK are there entirely for decorative purposes. The pipelines from Norway and to Le Continong are equally ornamental.
And those who extract gas in the UK, despite the outright hostility of the politicians, why should they not sell their gas at market rates to anyone who wants it?
Is it to be stolen at gunpoint by the state?
Gosh, that’ll make them really keen to keep the gas flowing.
Murphy has another falling out –
Posted on August 30 2022
I received a comment on the blog this morning from someone who has posted more than 500 other times. Responding to my thread posted yesterday on energy price reform he said:
“And your comment is hogwash for reasons i’ve explained some weeks ago.”
I guess he assumes that I can recall all the 160,000 odd comments on the blog over the years: I have to say that in that case he is very definitely mistaken, and nor do I have time to go and found out what he thought was so important.
He then added this:
“But I am fed up with the way you gratuitously insult anyone with the temerity to disagree with the “world expert” on just about everything. Some might call it bullying.”
“I’ve followed you on here for quite a few years now, with a few “sabbaticals” when I tire of your tantrums, but this is the last time.”
He obviously thinks this fair comment after all the times he has posted before, mainly (and I say this because he has survived as a commentator for so long) in broad sympathy with what the blog has to say, but let me add a few important comments in reply.
First, I have not the slightest idea who this person is. To me he is a name and an email address: I know nothing more.
Second, I have no clue what his qualifications to comment are or why he thinks he can discuss my ideas, into which some research has been put by me and rather more by others, by simply saying that they are ‘hogwash’.
Third, if there is arrogance and even tantrums on display I would think they are from the person who dismisses an argument with a single word and quite a lot of abuse.
That is genuinely priceless!
TtC: It is mostly stolen by the state which gets a metric shitload of taxes from the producers. Presumably it’s done on volume or therms or something so those taxes aren’t tracking the current wholesale price.
Tim and Tractor (sounds like a double act does that – or a country pub), why in God’s name would the government want to do anything about the price of energy / fuel when their VAT take from said price has doubled / trebled? Have other taxes
stolen by the Governmentcontributed by the energy companie risen due to increases in price?All the politicians need to do is sit back, mouth insincere platitudes towards the complaints of the peeps, fend off the idiotic ‘questioning’ by ‘journalists’ and wait for the next ‘crisis’ (of their own creation) to turn up.