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I wouldn’t be so sure about this

Are Latino voters really moving right? The end of Roe may muddy the picture
Latinos support reproductive rights by large margins – and that could prove a powerful mobilizing tool in the midterms

A largely Catholic – culturally at least – voting group may well “support reproductive rights” but that might not mean supporting the D Party line which seems to be abortion, at mothers’ choice, right up to parturition.

7 thoughts on “I wouldn’t be so sure about this”

  1. And “Latino voters” is – what? – 40 million people? You can’t lump that as a single measurable bloc.

  2. jgh

    — of course you can, if you’re a Dem. What else would those people have but to be voting fodder. Some of them are even foreigners, and poor.

  3. Dennis, Your Guide To The USA

    What escapes the bimbo who wrote the article is this: Voters who vote based on the recent abortion ruling are single issue voters. Those voters who see abortion as the most important issue in their lives have not, and will not, vote Republican. Just as voters who vote primarily on the issue of 2nd Amendment rights have not, and will not, vote Democrat.

    The real question that needs to be considered is this: Has the recent ruling created more pro-abortion single issue voters.

    What I can say is this: I’m not seeing the pro-Democrat ‘They’re going to take away your ability to get an abortion’ ads on TV anymore. They lasted a couple of weeks and then disappeared. In other words, they seem to have lasted until the organizations funding them got feedback from their polling and focus groups.

    My own feeling is that the ruling might motivate a small percentage who don’t normally vote to do so in November, and those new voters will be Democrats, but in the final analysis they there will not be enough of them to make any real difference. Most voters don’t see abortion as a primary issue in their lives.

  4. Are Latino voters really moving right?

    It’s probably more that the Left is moving left. 30 years ago, mainstream leftie politics was about:

    * Don’t treat workers like shit
    * Better schools-n-ospitals
    * Do Something about crime
    * Don’t pick on the brown people or gays
    * The economy, stupid

    Now, the mainstream of leftie politics is about:

    * Unlimited immigration
    * Endless racial struggle sessions
    * Sex changes for toddlers
    * The right and duty of gargantuan global corporations and/or thick-as-shit policemen to censor what you’re allowed to say on the internet
    * Eco-poverty for you, and your children

    This isn’t a sane or sustainable platform, and the coalition of grievances against bog-standard white men won’t hold. Mexico has historically been a ridiculously corrupt one-party socialist kleptocracy, but they’re not particularly woke.

    The horribly old white millionaires currently running the Democratic Party are being replaced by younger, dumber, angrier effnik activists who’ll inevitably fight like cats in a sack over who gets the choicest cuts from the racial spoils system that is the USA.

  5. But what you forget, Steve, is that to the Left, “the Left” is always a fixed point regardless of how much it changes its position on anything. So it’s basic relativity: as far as they’re concerned, the rest of the world is moving “to the right”.

  6. In many Democratic controlled blue states building restrictions have made it almost impossible to build a market rate house despite an increasing population making it difficult for the young to get into that first home. The Dems imagine that they will live in dense rent controlled affordable apartments for life, sort of a static but clean lower class existence. Energy costs have increased greatly, both for electricity and fuel. Gardeners are being told tor replace their gas powered equipment. State universities are more reliant on tuition than a couple of generations ago. I could go on, but basically, the blue states do not provide the opportunities they did decades ago, and who wants opportunity? It’s largely the young. Who are the young? In many states they are substantially Hispanic.

    If the Dems are losing Hispanics it just might be because they’ve finally become fully aware of the boot on the neck of their aspirations. A creaky old progressive might counter with: “but we’re all gonna’ cook to death if we let them live like us?”

  7. There are a few segments of Latino-Americans off the top of my head:

    1. Recent immigrants
    1a. Legal immigrants: likely came from a socialist/communist country, so they hate big government; also tend to be fairly religious, so they vote republican
    1b. Illegal immigrants: usually not educated enough to understand why their native country is failing, and democrats tend to give them free stuff, ID cards + the ability to vote, so some of them vote democrat. May be religious within their own families, but give fuck all what policies the U.S. government is passing. Still less tyrannical than where they came from.

    2. Union workers
    They might work in construction or for the local transport, so they vote democrat alongside their peers, unless they own a contracting firm or something. Might be religious in the household, but care more about their salaries and saving for their kids’ college fund. This segment also includes small business owners, like those who run bodegas or restaurants, although they are more likely to be centrist or center-right, since they deal more with crime and business taxes.

    3. 2nd or 3rd-generation Americans with college education
    Most of these are liberal; since they were born in the U.S. and their parents did all the heavy lifting–sometimes even becoming successful, these people base their identity on their ethnicity rather than hard work or character. A fraction of them will use terms like “Latinx” and many will vote for AOC, but most are simply out-of-touch would-be moderates. Usually not religious at all. They think illegal immigrants are mostly women and children seeking out bread and milk, and they’ve only recently begun to realize the economic and social services burden these migrants put on the country–because they’ve only recently been bussed directly to NYC and other blue cities. They also don’t see how the social welfare system has reduced lower-classed Latino communities to a culture of crime, single mothers and low education. They don’t see widespread abortion as indicative of a larger problem. This group includes the upper class of Latino-Americans, such as CEOs and software developers. Some may be more conservative or vote republican, but that’s the exception to the rule.

    4. Gang members
    They don’t vote. May be a little religious due to the culture of their native country, but obviously not in practice.

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