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And that is why those who comment in this way are not welcome here. Disagreeing with me is fine, welcome and often appropriate.


6 thoughts on “Is it?”

  1. The Great BF pointed this one out yesterday!

    Fourth, as to the suggestion of bullying, I suggest that the person in question try writing a daily blog promoting radical and often Cassandric comments for sixteen years and see how much abuse you get. I promise you, few blogs have survived for that long for the very obvious reason that doing so can grind almost anyone down.

    I’m impressed that he even understands the word ‘Cassandric’ but the idea that there has been a single blog entry that has been ‘Cassandric’ in 16 years is wishful thinking on his part.

    So, if I am robust on occasion it is because I do not think those who dismiss complex arguments with a single word or brief comments and who provides no evidence whatsoever of their qualification to comment have earned the right to be respected in a world where I and everyone else knows trolling to be rife.

    Truly the lack of self-awareness is beyond satire

    Finally, I note the claim that I think I am the world expert in everything. That’s odd when this blog is decidedly restricted in its scope. It’s also odd when very obviously I make, and admit to, mistakes. But, making stuff up, as has happened here, is always the first resort of the person without an argument, as I find quite often.,

    The sheer chutzpah of the man is admirable if nothing else. I cannot recall him ever admitting an error.

    Still – at least he’s not calling for ‘a holiday for the trolls’ and I guess 20,000 plus people have ‘overstepped the mark’ over the 16 years he has been blogging….

  2. His “world expertise” clearly does not extend to knowledge of famous Nazi sympathisers, despite his cathartic holiday trip to Dachau. But I guess it may be difficult to learn basic facts and context if you’re constantly fixated on your own imagined importance and fictitious victimhood.

    Applause to the recent commentator who managed to slip through unnoticed!

  3. Van_Patten. How do you know it’s 20,000. Is that all your aliases that you’ve tried. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

    Murphy only admits to mistakes like spelling mistakes. Not about getting things wrong in economics.

  4. I’d love to see him walk into a biker bar in Texas, or a barbershop in Harlem. The roasting would be otherworldly.

  5. murphy shares something with meagain – they both have their “lived truth”. Don’t know why he got upset as he knows pilgrim slight retard will be along shortly to tell him how wonderful he is, along with other assorted arselickers.

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