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NEW YORK (AP) — The U.S. is setting aside an extra 50,000 doses of monkeypox vaccine for places with upcoming gay pride events, health officials said Thursday.

The number of doses sent to each place will be based on factors like the size of the event, how many health workers will be available to give shots, and how many of the attendees are considered at highest risk for catching the virus.

Or, as we might sway, the mixing isn’t just being done on the floats at pride events….

15 thoughts on “Sigh”

  1. Thinks – the UK political party conference season starts next month. That could be interesting.

  2. It’s a washing machine related rash, and if you say otherwise you will be hearing from my solicitors!

  3. “Anyone ignoring government covid advice should be denied healthcare!”

    “Gay people should be free to make their own decisions and assess the risk about Monkeypox for themselves”

    Senator Scott Wiener

  4. What could be causing children and animals that live with gay men to be breaking out in a disease that’s 99% spread by gay sex? We may never know.

  5. Luckily, Facebook has just banned the hashtag #diedsuddenly, so if any of these blokes peg it (unlikely, I know) no-one will find out. I mean, I assume that’s why they banned the phrase.

  6. Surely it can only be a matter of time before Stonewall or some other half-arsed (can I say that?) victim group declares the name “monkeypox” to be a mark of gross disrespect, contempt and insult to promiscuous homosexual men? We need a new, woke, name for this tragic affliction!

  7. @KyleT gay sex requires physical contact which is how the pox is passed on. So have gay sex, then hug someone else a few hours later and the pox will have been passed on. So anyone who has gay sex must be put into quarantine for 1 week and have a test every day to check they are not infected. It’s the new modern way of handling diseases.

  8. Anyone who has been within two metres.

    Or lives in the same postcode.

    And, if in China, has contact had with fish, crabs or shrimps (China is now PCR testing aforesaid creatures for Covid so monkeypox can’t be far behind)

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