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The ignorant are writing the newspapers now

Not that this is entirely new of course. Ben Marlow:

The energy debate shouldn’t be turned into yet another culture war issue.

But it is a culture war issue, it has been for decades. The entire discussion is embedded in the culture war – there’s very little actual engineering or economics in it, fer sure.

Seriously, how damn stupid do you have to be to look at XR and say – we mustn’t let this develop into a culture war?

12 thoughts on “The ignorant are writing the newspapers now”

  1. The only one who seems to make any sense in the economics dept of the Terriblegraph is Juliet Samuels. She’s wasted there.

  2. Can we make it a scientific issue and ask the alarmists to prove it, or even suggest criteria whereby it might be disproven, as in the few remaining bits of science which observe the scientific principle?

  3. China generates 31% of the world’s total CO2 emissions.
    Most of my emissions are when I breath out (I’ve walked more than 2,000 miles this year, far more than I have driven)
    No-one EVER complains about China which generates c.75% more CO2 per head then the UK: WHY?

  4. Can we all agree that twitter sucks?

    《The entire discussion is embedded in the culture war – there’s very little actual engineering or economics in it, fer sure.》

    And what makes you think energy prices are any different?

  5. Marlow is one of the stupider Terriblegraph hacks, and that is saying something. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard underwent some sort of climate crisis conversion a little while ago and keeps writing about green hydrogen and a big solar farm in north Africa. I suspect he’s got a few quid invested in such schemes.

    Either that or he is a fucking moron.

  6. Bloke in North Dorset

    “ Conservatives aren’t the ones marching with giant “Climate justice is social justice” banners.”

    Are you sure? Because some of the so called Conservatives I’ve seen recently make me wonder.

  7. Given that HIV is an immune system disease I can’t understand why the fact someone with it also caught covid and monkeypox is a surprise.

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