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Climate predictions wrong!

This should be the absolute peak of hurricane season—but it’s dead quiet out there
Seasonal activity is running 50 percent below normal levels.

But of course this is just weather….

17 thoughts on “Climate predictions wrong!”

  1. Not to mention that everyone seems to be surprised that we are going to have a third year of La Nina conditions. Who could have predicted that?

  2. Further on in the article:

    Since Hurricane Andrew in 1992, the most destructive storm to ever hit Florida, the National Hurricane Center’s track forecast accuracy has improved by 75 percent and its intensity forecasting by 50 percent.

    There’s the bit where a 75% improvement on “fuck-all” is… ummmmm…. still pretty much shyte…

    Of course, that waaaaay past the bits the average reader gets to… after all the ads and “suggestions”….

  3. Look, after this summer of ‘drought’ / hospipe bans / strident critcism of water companies for not building reservoirs / not fixing their leaks / siphoning off £75Bn to give to shareholders instead of fixing the system, we all know the science is settled and that man made global warming is making the UK drier right?:

  4. One of the issues with hurricane reporting, is that satellites can see the little blighters forming in the Atlantic. So they get chalked up even though they don’t actually make landfall.

  5. Matt, exactly, and this is where ‘climate science’ fails as ‘science’. A proper scientific theory has to be disprovable, but they tell us everything is proof of man made global warming.

  6. Addolff

    “A proper scientific theory has to be disprovable”

    That’s just so Popperian.
    Karl was an old white man, and therefore a pillar of the patriarchy and male to boot. His truth is therefore clearly irrelevant.


  7. “Therefore”, BiTiN? That wouldn’t be logic you’re using there, would it? It’s racist because you feeeeeel that it is.

  8. @Mojave Greenie
    the last triple La Niña was about 25 year ago and it will have been the 3rd one recorded since the 1950’s so unusual but not unexpected.
    This has certainly been a rainy year and I grew up in Wales so that’s a high bar. Last time they had record snowfalls locally so could be an interesting winter

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