Pinned to the wall, mooed at like a cow — my hell at Goldman Sachs
Jamie Fiore Higgins worked at the famous bank for 17 years.
Apparently the money made up for it for 16 years and 9 months…..
Pinned to the wall, mooed at like a cow — my hell at Goldman Sachs
Jamie Fiore Higgins worked at the famous bank for 17 years.
Apparently the money made up for it for 16 years and 9 months…..
My wife did 6 months freelance for GS a while back and a friend worked there for ~5 years. It’s a fairly dysfunctional workplace. But as you say, there is lucrative compensation for the bullshit.
Apart from those lucky (or lying) people who claim to love their job, I’ve always thought all employment is like that. It’s nasty, there are lots of other things that you’d rather be doing, but you stick with it if the money is good enough.
Sam: +1. I spend most of my jobs frustatedly looking for the end of the contract, then spend the next period frustratedly looking to the start of the next money.
@jgh – spot on. As an academic, I disliked colleagues getting assistants on 1 year post-doc jobs. They spent 6 months writing up papers on previous projects, and then 6 months looking for a new job. Virtually none of the time was spent on what they were paid for.
Contract work of any kind is a bit like that.
She didn’t like being moo’ed at, and accepted danger money as her price for suffering the indignation. On the flip side, the right to moo at colleagues is a (tax-free) perk; and as such her oppressors were paid less than they might otherwise have been.
You’ll be pleased to know someone had a weekend off Tim:
I am planning to take this weekend, including Monday, off the blog. It’s been a frantic period and I need a break.
I will leave comments on but anything remotely abusive, racist, Stalinist or otherwise extreme will be deleted, so please don’t waste your time posting it because I am really very bored with those who have no time for democracy or decency.
Apparently to say something critical of him is both ‘indecent’ and indeed an affront to democracy itself. Sadly he has returned today….
> Her toes only just brushed the floor as he held her suspended, his reddening features pressed against hers, looking murderous.
So this guy managed to take most of her bodyweight in one hand to do this. I don’t know how many people here go to the gym, but this bloke must have been pretty herculean to do this. Assuming she’s 50-60kg that’s a damn good shoulder press.
I think she’s been watching too many films…
As for the behaviour, many of the (male) support engineers I worked with saw or were subject to similar.
As an academic, I disliked colleagues getting assistants on 1 year post-doc jobs. They spent 6 months writing up papers on previous projects, and then 6 months looking for a new job. Virtually none of the time was spent on what they were paid for. Contract work of any kind is a bit like that.
Not all contract work. I used to charge a fixed fee for a clearly specified set of deliverables. As long as those paying for my time kept out of my way except when I needed their input, everything went swimmingly for all parties.
@Steve crook:
It’s not a shoulder press: he allegedly had her pinned against the wall and held stationary – likely in a position allowing the back and chest to contribute.
Quite why someone wouldn’t jump ship immediately after such behaviour is beyond me.
Doesn’t that position also mean that it is likely that both hands were used in the pinning, and therefore leaving him wide open to a swift knee to the crotch?
I can’t be arsed to get through the paywall so is she belatedly suing for past events where recollections may differ? Presumably having now reached the maximum level her abilities permit.
But oh the inhumanity of someone allegedly saying moo in her general direction.
Is the word “cow-orker” to be cancelled?
The non pay walled bit read like an excerpt from 50 Shades.
Which sold a lot of copies so some people must like that sort of thing.
That author has a lot to answer for.