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Hark at the man

It is a standard right wing argument to suggest those dissenting from the opinion of those others with power are very rude to disagree, and must be suffering some sort of affliction for doing so. At the very least, dissent is cast as rude, and as justification for ostracism within society.

Alternatively, the person complaining must be very jealous, and so we get the narrative of the politics of envy.

Move just a little further, and the dissenter is a threat to peace, law and order and must be detained. They become a criminal.

But that is not what dissenters are, of course. They are expressing their human right to free speech, and so to disagree. This right is at the very core of all human liberties. It is the bedrock of democracy too. And that, no doubt, is why fascists and Tories alike loathe that freedom, and seek to constrain it, through legislation and inappropriate police intervention of the type seen yesterday.

Dissent being such a feature of the Elyan potato patch, right?

And behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace might well be something that should be controlled, no?

20 thoughts on “Hark at the man”

  1. In fairness the arrests look like being a rather over-zealous interpretation of the Public Order Act on behalf of police forces whose burglary clear up rates are (I imagine) zero or close to it.

    However, it would really take a heart of stone not to laugh at the obvious hypocrisy of the potato. I particularly enjoyed it in the wake of this Twitter thread

    https://[email protected]/Blog/2022/08/25/its-time-to-stop-denying-the-truth/

    So there’s a truth that mustn’t be contradicted on the following topics:

    – Climate change being advanced by human activity
    – Deportation to Rwanda being motivated by racism
    – The failure of Brexit
    – Current inflation not being caused by a ‘wage spiral’
    – Governments not needing to balance their books

    Among myriad others. But He’s committed to ‘free speech’ regardless…

  2. @VP – you’ve got to love this exchange on the thread

    Mark Fletcher says:
    August 27 2022 at 1:11 pm
    I didn’t think that your arrogance could get much greater, but it seems I’m wrong.

    It’s hardly any surprise that you’ve fallen out with just about anyone you ever met or worked with! It’s certainly not a Christian attitude either, but you’ll probably suggest Christ was wrong in a number of his teachings too and that you know better!

    Richard Murphy says:
    August 27 2022 at 5:18 pm
    You might have noticed Christ fell out with most people

    I think you should think again.

    He has returned after 2000 years. All hail the new messiah.

  3. suffering some sort of affliction Seems likely.

    must be very jealous […] politics of envy Yes, that fits.

    a threat to peace, law and order and must be detained Ah, Dachau!

  4. Good stuff, Addoff. Nice quote from Reagan there too at the end. From 1975, and what did they call him once he was elected?

    I’ve got to admit, I was wary of Trump at first. Unrest, false leader (“strong man”, as Hayek put it), crisis… it did seem to fit. But it quickly became clear that he’s an amateur compared to the Left, and in office he barely followed the pattern at all.

  5. Ask the average leftist how he feels about those who are anti-vaccine mandate, pro-Brexit, pro-national divorce, pro-Trump/Farage, pro-fossil fuels, anti-kids going to drag shows.

  6. And there’s a recent survey that shows 60%+ of under-35s want a “strongman leader who does not have to answer to Parliament or elections”.

    They are actually *DEMANDING* fascism. While at the same time accusing their opponents of implementing it, and by implication implying it something to be prevented. While at the same time demanding it be implemented.

    Annoyingly, Google won’t let me find the report.

  7. 1. This comes from someone who want to silence ‘climate deniers’.

    2. Because only the right want to silence dissent.


    Could it be that the kids have noticed the political system is irretrievably broken because it keeps returning worthless people who ignore what the public wants in favour of the shit sandwich the incompetent managerialist class would prefer them to eat while twirling, twirling, twirling toward complete institutional failure?

    The four drivers of detachment

    Narrow social networks
    Overprotective parenting
    The treadmill of modern work
    “Always online” culture

    No, it’s the children who are wrong.

  9. Interesting the effect a single visit to a death camp appears to have had have on the suggestible, self-inflated and self-absorbed ego of Murphy. He sees fascism in a high proportion of the people he meets, sees, hears and reads about, but not in the face that confronts him in the mirror or in his own blog posts.

    A quite remarkable individual, candidly, and a rich vein for students of narcissistic and psychopathic personality disorders.

  10. Bloke in North Dorset

    “ And there’s a recent survey that shows 60%+ of under-35s want a “strongman leader who does not have to answer to Parliament or elections”.”

    That’s because they’re stupid enough to believe it will always be the their strongman.

  11. Bearing in mind the reaction to that stupid Jock bint who celebrated Liz’s death, arresting people waving ‘fuck the monarchy’ signs outside places dedicated to remembrance is entirely sensible.

    Could it be that the kids have noticed the political system is irretrievably broken Mebbe, but despotism is hardly the answer. I don’t think anyone sane looks at Russia or China and thinks: “Yes, I’d like a bit of that. Arbitrary rule by a despotic kleptocrat is the way forward.”

  12. arresting people waving ‘fuck the monarchy’ signs outside places dedicated to remembrance is entirely sensible.

    Arresting and removing from the scene could possibly be justified, but I believe the green-haired bint has now been charged.

  13. Arresting and removing from the scene is an entirely sensible precaution.

    I don’t think there’s any point to charging these people, just gently point out they’ve had decades to protest about the monarchy but doing it right now makes them look like a right cunt. And that had Plod not been on the scene, they’d likely have got a shoeing.

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