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They’re really desperate, aren’t they?

New York’s attorney general has filed a fraud lawsuit against Donald Trump and his children to prevent them doing business in the state, claiming they “grossly” inflated the former president’s net worth by “billions of dollars”.

The civil lawsuit, filed in State Supreme Court in Manhattan, seeks a $250 million (£220m) judgement and a prohibition on the Trumps from leading any company or purchasing property in New York.

Through “persistent and “staggering” fraud, the Trumps convinced banks to lend money to the Trump Organization on more favourable terms than deserved, according to the lawsuit, which named the former president, children Ivanka, Eric and Donald Jnr, the company, and two of its executives, Allan Weisselberg and Jeff McConney.

It’s almost as if they think that everyone – banks, taxmen, etc – looks at the owner’s valuation and just accepts it.

Rather than as an interesting starting point for discussion. Leading to a wonder at whether these folks really are this dim. Or that desperate to make sure Trump doesn’t run again.

6 thoughts on “They’re really desperate, aren’t they?”

  1. Having just read that a US judge will allow a chancer a lawsuit against McDonalds for….wait for it…not spending enough revenue on advertising with black-run businesses, I think we can conclude the US court system is even crazier than ours…

  2. She accuses Trump of over-valuing his property. Doesn’t that mean he’s been paying too much property taxes? Will she be sending him a refund?

  3. Bloke in the Fourth Reich

    Since when was it the business of state prosecutors to sue someone in civil court?

    Given that they have been poring over every crossed T and dotted I in Trump’s documentation for years, the absence of criminal charges on some obscure technical issue suggests that Trump has run an extremely clean organization.

  4. A legal action which prevents Trump from running is perversely the only thing which opens the door to DeSantis in 2024. The Dems are trying everything legal or otherwise in their playbook to replace a mercurial but beatable candidate (assuming another heaping helping of early morning electoral fraud in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona etc) with a far more effective and electable one.

    Incidentally in the upcoming mid-terms 4 of the potential Senate “swing seats” currently held by the Democrats are in those same 4 dirty states. Anyone counting on a Republican majority needs to think again.

  5. @Bi4R – bearing in mind that Trump has been in the notoriously dodgy New York real estate business for decades (lots of union/mob involvement) it is astounding that they haven’t found something concrete.

    Trump must be more honest and the Democrats more incompetent than I thought.

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