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Seems like a generationally self-solving problem

Men can develop an allergy to their own orgasms with immediate flu-like symptoms, scientists have found.

Sufferers can experience fever, a cough, sneezing and muscle weakness, or even issues with their speech, concentration and memory. The problems can last a few days or as long as a week.

Scientists think that the problem, known as post-orgasmic illness syndrome, could result from an allergic or autoimmune response to the sufferer’s own sperm.

Something that’s unlikely to be inherited, that is……

13 thoughts on “Seems like a generationally self-solving problem”

  1. No, it’s very likely to be inherited, if it is already an inherited condition. Men tend to put up with far more than those symptoms in order to have sex. All that expensive grooming and working out at the gym, buying the right clothes, earning enough money to be considered a mate, competing with other men, the pretence and dissembling, and putting up with the aftermath whether it’s an embarrassing breakfast or a lifetime marriage. If you asked most young men whether they would tolerate those medical symptoms in exchange for sex, they would kill you in the stampede.

  2. Just another conspiracy theory I know but recently all kinds of things have started to cause flu-like symptoms, heart attacks, etc. Sleeping too much, sleeping too little, walking, staying put, etc. Past year or so there has been a barrage of studies like that in the meejia.

  3. “Nearly 60 cases have been identified” Recent thing then. Not something that has been documented and studied prior to November 2020?

    Jussi @ 8.28, what do you think may be the cause of this problematic ‘autoimmune response’?
    I mean what have many billions of people done over the last <24 months that has the potential to interfere with the bodies auto-immune system?

    And what exactly are they doing with their sperm?

  4. “Flu-like symptoms” are so vague and widespread that the media wheel them out to gain people’s attention.

    “Why, yes, I have had some of those symptoms in the past few weeks…I wonder if that article could be describing my problem…?”

  5. weakness, or even issues with their speech, concentration and memory

    “Dr” Biden must be quite a goer then!

  6. ‘… post-orgasmic illness syndrome, could result from an allergic or autoimmune response to the sufferer’s own sperm.‘

    That doesn’t make sense. Sperm are present pre-orgasm. They are produced in the testes and stored in the epididymis until ejaculation. Some do move into the urethra and are present at the tip of the penis all the time, which is why a man can impregnate a women without actually ejaculating.

    Sperm do not contain foreign protein so there is no reason the immune system should react unless there is something wrong with it, in which case it will generally be attacking the individual’s body.

    Women can be allergic to a man’s sperm as it is a foreign protein. It is therefore most likely the alleged allergic reaction in men is caused by foreign protein in the partner’s vaginal secretions, or if rubber based barrier contraception is used, allergic type response to proteins in the rubber.

  7. I can’t imagine it’s immunity to sperm. The sperms are very much elsewhere by that time. Perhaps it’s the prostate complaining about being shagged out, to coin a phrase. It’s not a very friendly gland, especially as we get older.

  8. “Sperm do not contain foreign protein so there is no reason the immune system should react unless there is something wrong with it,”

    Errmmm nope.. Sperm is actually considered an antigen by the owner’s body, given that it’s stripped of most of the proprietary cellular markers. It can cause immune reactions if it ends up outside of its designated lane. Same as for eggs and fetus..

    But given the list of symptoms… Sounds more like an immune reaction against the specific endorphin released during orgasm.

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