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Tell me you’re biased without telling me you’re biased

Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman (D) and Republican Mehmet Oz faced off in their first and only debate Tuesday night. The public servant and quack TV doctor faced off

31 thoughts on “Tell me you’re biased without telling me you’re biased”

  1. ps Johns response to a TV debate question on fracking was quite something – he’s for it and against it apparently.

  2. Dr. Oz: Abortion Should Be Between a Woman, Her Doctor, and ‘Local Political Leaders’

    I disagree with Dr. Oz, abortion should be between the offender and the judge sentencing her to 20 years hard labour for murder.

    Those are the people who should get to decide whether or not you’re forced to give birth

    The glory of America is that it’s an effeminate society of mincing pansies that constantly frets about “toxic masculinity”, and it’s full of childless middle aged wine aunts constantly fretting about being “forced” to have children. No doubt their millions of disgustingly fat cunts pootering about on chubbyscooters also fantasise that they’re in danger of somebody taking away their bin bags of Doritos and 2 litre cups of sugarwater.

    President Putin, please to put world out of misery by firing all strategic weapons of glorious Russian Federation at Yankee pig dogs. Charashow nas’drovnye Lada Stalin KGB t.A.T.u Alexei Sayle.

  3. President Putin, please to put world out of misery by firing all strategic weapons of glorious Russian Federation . . .

    Desatanisation is now an official Russian war aim.

  4. PJF – people say that Satan is some kind of immortal manifestation of rebellion against all that is good and true, but to my mind that just makes the case for launching several hundred multiple independent reentry vehicles – each carrying a multi-kiloton atomic fusion warhead – via hypersonic intercontinental delivery rockets all the more compelling.

    I am tired of the banality of evil, let’s rock.

  5. “Oz sounded very slick . . .”

    Not too difficult when your opponent is so stroke damaged he can’t understand speech.

    Luckily, Americans have shown no inclination to elect the mentally impaired to high office.

  6. PJF – I’m not sure if you understand the concept of bantz (like a gay matador, you always seem conflicted). But out of a choice between “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be gay” and global thermonuclear war, I’d definitely choose the latter.

    Because it’ll be less damaging in the long run, and the punk rock aesthetic and attitude needs to make a comeback.

  7. . . . I’m not sure if you understand the concept of bantz . . .

    That’s the fun of taking it just that little too far.

    But out of a choice between “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be gay” and global thermonuclear war . . .

    Fortunately, those are not the only options. The perverts, deviants and various assorted twats always enjoy the Weimar stage, but it doesn’t last . . .

  8. Only one of these candidates chased an unarmed black guy with a rifle. Guess which one?

    Hint: He did it long before his stroke, and Jezebel is fine with it.

  9. TMB – Lions are punk rock as fuck.

    Cats in general are punk. They *never* mind the bollocks, they’re all about being fluffy rebels who do what they want.

    We should be more like cats and/or that cool new band, Generation X.

    PJF – people from Weimar Germany would probably think we’re unspeakably disgusting perverts and they’d unfriend us on social media.

  10. I’m assured that John will be just fine once the electrode scars have scabbed + healed and they’re connected and tested.

  11. Bloke in the Fourth Reich

    Abortion should be between a woman and her doctor.

    I wonder if there are perhaps some other procedures we could start that sentence with? Are there any suggestions that arise from the last couple of years?

  12. Dennis, Inconveniently Noting Reality

    The public servant and quack TV doctor faced off

    Cardiothoracic surgeons are considered quacks in Wogland? Then why do you have them? Because you do, you know.

  13. If Weimar had an unlimited dollar swap line with the Fed would hyperinflation have occurred?

    If Weimar had debit cards would even hyperinflation have mattered?

  14. You do wonder if Putin is a secret eugenicist, trying to maintain Russia’s high IQ and looks level by subtraction. He’s sending criminals, people for hire for mercenary wages and the illiterate tsygany to occupy and die on the fringes of the former USSR where a major bit of anti-Russian discrimination was going on.

  15. @ Bongo, Russia has lost hundreds of thousands of its brightest, bestest and whitest scarpering due to the war, far exceeding the numbers of poor slob slavs and ethnics killed in battle. If Eugenics was the plan, we can add it to Putin’s success rate.

  16. Bongo – criminals, people for hire for mercenary wages and the illiterate

    Or, as it used to be known, the Royal Corps of Transport.

    PJF – Russia has lost hundreds of thousands of its brightest, bestest and whitest scarpering due to the war

    Depends on whether those people are a net “loss” or not. What if we could get rid of, say… Brighton?

    My guess is: economic negative, political positive, possible long term economic positive (dependent on a number of optimistic scenarios). It’s funny talking about the long term in a period of cratered birth rates (and mass migration) tho. Seems like our grandchildren are a lot more important than Ukraine/Covid/Rishi but most people seem to disagree, so idk.

    Nota Benny, he just added something in the region of 8 million Russians – along with their farmland, industries and resources – to the population of Russia. Are they a net benefit to Russia? Yes, but they’ve got to wrap up this war and figure out how to survive peacetime. As do we.

    Imagine how great it would be if we could get along with Russia, buy their cheap resources, get rich and solve our small impending demographic extinction problem instead of literally burning up our wealth in explosions and causing daft young laddies who don’t know any better to die in the mud, holding their own guts like a string of sausage at the age of 22.

    I miss the days when the free world was led by a Fanta-skinned fascist madman who went around spreading peace and shagging women. ☮

  17. Nota Benny, he just added something in the region of 8 million Russians – along with their farmland, industries and resources – to the population of Russia.

    He may keep some of the Russo-Ukrainians but he’s steadily losing the land and resources he “annexed”.

    Imagine how great it would be if we could get along with Russia . . .

    Trying to sing that to the tune of John Lennon, but it’s too naïve.

  18. PJF – we already know how this turns out: they’ll soon be back, and in greater numbers.

    Peace, trade, wealth, yes it’s certainly naive at the present, and for the foreseeable. Which is a sad pity. These are going to be bumpy times.

    I was thinking about the 30’s, and how spat on the pacifists (in the broad sense) are to this day. Anybody who wasn’t completely 100% gung-ho let’s go murder all the Germans became, in swift retrospect, either a deluded wooly headed peaceninny or worse: a Nazi sympathiser (I think our deposed king and much of his phylum were motivated by natural anticommunist feeling and genuinely wanting peace and not-mass-murder tho).

    They’ve been called “the guilty men”, in Parliament, and in history books.

    OK, maybe.

    But, by comparison, the innocent men racked up a body count of 50,000,000, in the most destructive war ever known in human history and in which many large scale horrors and atrocities previously unimaginable to any decent human being were wrought on millions of innocent, helpless people. And some of those horrors and atrocities were perpetrated by the Good Guys, the Bad Guys were even worse.

    Anyway, we think of the chaps who were actively trying to avoid unimaginable horrors beyond human comprehension as historical villains, for some reason. Mental, isn’t it? I hope this doesn’t become relevant soon, but neither Russia or NATO will shut the fuck up about nukes and “false flags” and that’s not an encouraging sign.

    I’m also not convinced by the Rishi calm. I fear this is a brief economic Indian summer, in comparison to the long winter that lies ahead. If our unelected Hindoo banker-tyrant globalist sockpuppet rich boy wanker can – somehow – pull us out of the nosedive, he’ll be a national hero. But, I fear the fracking decision proves he’s not here to resuscitate the patient, he’s here to loot the corpse.

    We seem to be cursed to live through times as interesting as our grandparents did. No wonder the grumpy old buggers drank. But yes, it would have been nicer if the 1930’s was more naive. Imagine if those 50,000,000 had lived? I bet a lot of them would’ve been brilliant, and we’d have loved them.

  19. steve says
    Imagine if those 50,000,000 had lived? I bet a lot of them would’ve been brilliant, and we’d have loved them.
    Imagine if those 6 million jews had lived, the ethnic group with the largest representation in Nobel prizes.

  20. Anyway, we think of the chaps who were actively trying to avoid unimaginable horrors beyond human comprehension as historical villains, for some reason. Mental, isn’t it?

    No, they were fucking twats. If we’d gone in and dealt with the Hun at the first or second sign of them materialising their stated intentions, those millions would have lived.

    Upthread you were “joking” about wishing nuclear slaughter on millions for misbehaviour-according-to-Steve, now you’re shitting yourself over the latest Squirrel! rhetoric coming from the floundering failures in the Kremlin.

    . . . we already know how this turns out: they’ll soon be back, and in greater numbers.

    Let’s add that to Steve’s reliable predictions of inevitability. I’m sure I’ll be accused of being childish/womanly/gay when I remind you of it.

    Speaking of Russia “adding” resources, some wag in the Czech Republic painted the pedestal of the statue of a Red Army soldier as a washing machine.

  21. @Dennis, October 26, 2022 at 4:50 pm

    Dr Oz is a lockdown, mask, jab zealot and puts Turkey above US. Why Trump endorsed him and Hannity etc jumped on bandwagon is mystifying. He’s poison and will go RINI if elected

    Jeez, he even looks like a dishonest charlatan snake oil huckster

  22. No, they were fucking twats.

    Indeed, as are those who think “peace with” Putin can mean anything other than surrender, followed by (maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but sometime and soon) Fascist Russia coming for a bite of Europe.

  23. Will Rishi's finance knowledge let him print money to buy Russian gas through intermediaries?

    《the fracking decision proves he’s not here to resuscitate the patient, he’s here to loot the corpse.》

  24. Why Trump endorsed him and Hannity etc jumped on bandwagon is mystifying.

    Not really; it’s pretty simple. They reasoned he could beat the Democrat in that constituency, and he’s buyable (they* might even have something on him).
    This is politics, not puritanism.

    *am not including Hannity in the general “they”

  25. The stupidity of almost all comments on the “appeasers” rests on ignoring the fact that they didn’t know what was going to happen: everyone discusses the problem strictly with hindsight.

    My own view is that they had to decide whether Hitler was a Bismarck or a Napoleon. If he was the first Britain didn’t need to go to war; if the second, she almost certainly did.

    It wasn’t obvious that he was a Napoleon until he seized rump Czechoslovakia; all his other invasions were perfectly compatible with his being a Bismarck.

    What I’ve never understood was the guarantee given to Poland, since obviously there was nothing useful Britain could do if the French refused to budge. No doubt there’s an explanation that makes some sort of sense but I’ve never seen it discussed. Maybe hindsight-historians assume that it was automatically a good policy because it resulted in a declaration of war?

  26. dearieme

    My assumption is that Chamberlain and the rest felt that they’d offered Hitler reasonable compromises to alleviate the wrongs done to Germany, and he’d just taken advantage of them. So the only way to deal with him was to make a definite commitment to fight. Adolf naturally felt that they’d shown themselves so weak in caving in on Czechoslovakia that they’d crumple at the threat of war. Especially since he’d made a deal with Stalin to divvy up Poland.

    The British were thus trying to adopt a more moral policy than that which led to WW1. I naturally feel that the WW1 policy was far too moral in itself, and they needed to adopt a far more immoral approach to deal with the threat of WW2.

  27. PJF – No, they were fucking twats. If we’d gone in and dealt with the Hun at the first or second sign of them materialising their stated intentions, those millions would have lived.

    We’ve no idea if this is the case.

    Yes, it’s possible Hitler could have been stopped, but I’m not really that convinced about the fate of the entire world resting on the funny little moustache of a single individual. My guess is that war was already baked in at Versailles and when the Krauts foolishly sent Lenin to Russia with a train full of gold.

    So it’s possible the peaceniks and warpigs were both wrong. But “history as tragedy” isn’t a very satisfying narrative, because we prefer to believe we have agency.

    But we have no way of knowing, since we don’t have a tricked out Delorean. The 1930’s was plenty exciting enough even without the little Austrian corporal, and people can only make decisions based on what they know at the time. I’m not convinced we really “won” the war, I think a lot of the mythology we built up around it, and the disproportionate odium still directed at Chamberlain, was to guard our conscience against acknowledging how much we lost. The grimmest sunk cost fallacy.

    Upthread you were “joking” about wishing nuclear slaughter on millions for misbehaviour-according-to-Steve, now you’re shitting yourself over the latest Squirrel! rhetoric coming from the floundering failures in the Kremlin.

    Consistency is for petty minds. I once solved the conundrum on Countdown.

    Let’s add that to Steve’s reliable predictions of inevitability.

    Well, we know they’re massively surging their troop commitment. We know they’ve legally and constitutionally committed themselves to annexing the separatist regions (a big deal in any country, but Russia is also surprisingly legalistic). We know they’re bombing the shit out of Ukrainian power and heating infrastructure.

    I don’t think we understand what the Russians are trying to tell us. They’re trying to tell us they have the ability make Western Ukraine uninhabitable over the winter. We shouldn’t dismiss that.

    If we have a plan to cope with millions more refugees, I’d love to see it.

    I’m sure I’ll be accused of being childish/womanly/gay when I remind you of it.

    Possibly. When people call me a traitor, a Russian agent, Vladimir Putin’s homosexual gay lover, etc. I tend to calibrate my responses to call them names back.

    MC – Indeed, as are those who think “peace with” Putin can mean anything other than surrender, followed by (maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but sometime and soon) Fascist Russia coming for a bite of Europe.

    We enjoyed over 20 years of peace with Russia under Putin, and he’s been complaining about NATO expansion since 2007. It’s possible Pooty Poot is now a fascist madman who wants to take over the world and Must Be Stopped (while simultaneously being a pathetic fourth-rank power that we don’t need to take at all seriously, especially when they talk about nukes).

    But if so, he’s a bit shit at this fascist irredentism lark. Hitler was dead long before he could get to this point in Putin’s career.

    Russia’s record of aggression is nothing compared to our own. Maybe it’s not actually Russia, China, Iran and Syria who are the assholes. Or maybe the world is just wall to wall cunts.

    Philip – Imagine if those 6 million jews had lived, the ethnic group with the largest representation in Nobel prizes

    We’ll never know how many brilliant men in the vein of Richard Feynman, Ernst Chain or even Tom Lehrer we lost to murder.

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