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Who gives a fuck?

Environment sector has failed to become more inclusive, study suggests
Out of 44 charities, only 4% said they had a consistently implemented action plan to increase ethnic diversity

Isn’t the useful measure the amount of environment saved?

Or is that now phallocentric logic being deployed?

19 thoughts on “Who gives a fuck?”

  1. Ah, but there’s no way they can prove “Environment Saved” , but they can do the Virtuous Box-Ticking regarding “Inclusivity”.
    After all, Charities have to show some results to keep the trough full…

    But no doubt this observation is phallocratic and racist and generally Evil as well.

  2. Giving Africans the news that they won’t ever be getting washing machines and long-haul flights is best done by a few token black environmentalists.

  3. Agreed Sam but we’re getting close to where it’s the white environmentalist who is the token. The straight male version is already virtually extinct.

  4. ’…out of 44 environment charities, 84% had considered or were taking action over a lack of inclusion…’

    So the others just haven’t got there yet. Is this what passes for news in that rag..?

  5. First I’d want to see a useful metric for diversity. It should, obviously, count other physical characteristics than just skin colour. It should also count other cultural aspects than just gross measures like Asian or Caribbean – Geordies should get a look-in, as well as Satanists and witches. Talking of minorities, Christians too. And language spoken.

    Then I’d want to see a useful study showing better results correlating strongly with more diversity, and in what domains.

    But of course – better results? In an environment-oriented charity? Measured how?

    The whole things an utter nonsense – so why does MSM spend any time on it?

  6. Charities are stuffed with wealthy people or those with other income sources (e.g. successful husbands). Brown people tend to need the money more.

    It’s roughly the same thing as university courses. Go to an open day and the marine biology and history stands are surrounded by white kids. Useful stuff that pays well like pharmacy and computer science has more melanin.

    It also applies in computing. All this “women aren’t interested”. Well, except for Indian women. Loads of them doing it.

  7. Bloke in North Dorset

    The whole things an utter nonsense – so why does MSM spend any time on it?
    Because they are are now managed and staffed by the same people eg those with token degrees in non subjects and its far easier to talk about this sort of crap than do the hard yards of journalism.

  8. BiND,

    “Because they are are now managed and staffed by the same people eg those with token degrees in non subjects and its far easier to talk about this sort of crap than do the hard yards of journalism.”

    I must admit that I sometimes wonder why I even bother looking at it. I think we all spent decades looking at it and having some trust in it, but we really should stop.

    And I feel this way about the politicians. I watched a few seconds of Beth Rigby interviewing Liz Truss and the look on Truss’ face is the same as mine would be, that this is an idiocracy now. You’re not going to get over serious points and explain policy because these interviews are no longer about that. It’s entertainment for morons. The next successful political leader will just bypass most of the MSM. Maybe do the BBC, but mostly they’ll be YouTube, Tiktok etc.

  9. It’s who you are, not what you do, that counts.
    Working for a charity confers a veneer of sanctity on the most dyed in the wool misanthrope. Other people may simply prefer a salary cheque for managing the drains or whatever.
    From what I’ve heard, it’s the thickness not the colour of your skin that counts in charities. The office politics is on a whole new level of viciousness.

  10. @BoM4 thats what Trump did. Went direct to the electorate. That’s why he’s seen as the equivalent of Satan now – the establishment doesn’t like being ignored and bypassed.

  11. Lets face it, environmentalism is religion for middle class white people. They don’t want anything as ‘problematic’ as real religion, not least because those tend to demand obedience, and if there’s one thing the middle class whites don’t like it being told what to do. And they also like shagging around, drinking and doing drugs. All of which are a bit verboten in proper religions. So an ersatz religion that enables them to feel all morally superior, and order the proles around (another middle class favourite hobby) while not actually demanding any difficult behavioural changes to their own lifestyles (‘Well of course we need a holiday every 2 months, Simon works very hard in hospital admin, and my job at the council is extremely full on! We do drive a Tesla of course, so we’re doing our bit.’) is just what the doctor ordered.

  12. The office politics is on a whole new level of viciousness.

    Not just the office politics but the inter-agency politics. Back in the 80s I was involved for a short while as the rep for a small charity on a coordinating body for NGOs involved in Afghanistan. The cat-fighting and point-scoring between the big NGOs was unbelievable. Sod all to do with the poor buggers they were supposed to be helping.

  13. There are studies floating around the web claiming that diversity is proportional to profit.

    Quite how this was concluded given the near infinite variables of what constitutes diversity is a mystery, but I suspect it was more to do with “BLACK MAN GOOD”

  14. McKinsey (as usual) get it arsy-versy: only large, profitable businesses can afford the overhead of a diversity organisation within HR; SMEs struggling to grow their market share can’t. It’s a bit like the apocryphal fountain in reception.

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