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Not sure I said it quite this strongly

Whingers who complain about financial perks for landlords and who then complain about rising rents when the perks are withdrawn and landlords exit the sector, are the subject of a new blog.

Tim Worstall’s latest entry on the Adam Smith Institute website identifies a series of attacks on the financial viability of buy to let in recent years that have contributed towards a reduction in supply as landlords have left the rental sector in exasperation.

But they spelt the name right so that’s good then.

6 thoughts on “Not sure I said it quite this strongly”

  1. allthegoodnamesaretaken

    Spelled ‘which’ wrong though: Whcih does lead to a certain amusement at what people will complain about.

  2. I remember writing years ago; “We’re all Socialists now.” Perhaps as a comment on our kind hosts blog.

    Sadly, it’s true. The Tories are now slightly to the left of Blair. The tragic consequence of this is that nothing works in this damned country.

    In this case, we have the clear, outstanding insanity of little Kahn citing Scotland as an illustration of the success of his proposed rent controls, which has, in fact, had the consequences young Worstall alludes to in his article.

    Socialist ideas sound good if you don’t think about them. They are best looked at out of the corner of your eye for a picosecond, then glossed over.

  3. It does occur there’s a way out of the limiting of the deductibility of finance costs for prospective landlords. Build to let rather than buy to let. Ironically, how many of current buy-to-let properties came into existence in the first place.

  4. It does occur there’s a way out of the limiting of the deductibility of finance costs for prospective landlords. Build to let rather than buy to let. Ironically, how many of current buy-to-let properties came into existence in the first place.

    Sure, but who would trust a word that this government says at this point?

    I’d say “General Election Now!”, but that would only bring in the even more execrable Starmer and crew. A choice between the useless and the ghastly. Ugh!

  5. It’s seemed to me for some time that the govt has been adopting policies on rentals that the Guardian has pushed for.

    It will, of course, reserve the right to whinge about the consequences and blame them on Tory scum.

  6. Sorry, Tim, I should have read your piece first; I’ve basically just summarised your point. I liked the bit of Greek though.

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