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The Weird Al Pilgrimage


Weird Al graduated from high school at 16 and went to study architecture at California Polytechnic State University.
If the child is father of the man, Weird Al’s tastes as a teenager revealed the genetic code of his career. He adored British artists such as Elton John and Monty Python, spent Sunday nights listening to novelty hits on The Dr Demento Show and devoured the humor of Mad magazine.

Now this story might have benefited from some compression and time transformation but it might even have happened exactly so.

I once drove from New Orleans to Chicago, overnight (well, more than just the night). And we drove through the Dr. Demento show of something like “100 best songs ever recorded”. Number 1, at the top of the show, was Weird Al as above (although a failing memory tries to insist that it was just Al and the accordion, no other musicians).

Early 80s, winter 1982 maybe?

Couple of decades later I’m living in SLO and try to investigate a bit. Because the story is that the track – Al’s breakthrough one – was recorded in a bathroom at Cal Poly. But which one? Sadly no one seemed to know – or no one I knew, despite my knowing a few professorial types and the types of professorial types who would know something like that.

Pity, because it would be a rather fun place of pilgrimage.

So, to the question – does anyone know?

7 thoughts on “The Weird Al Pilgrimage”

  1. I think the demo was recorded without backing instruments, the full release was studio recorded with added backing musicians. There are bootlegs of the demo floating around.

    Efficiently operationalise your paradigm shifts!

  2. Your timeline is about right. I was listening to Dr. Demento as a teenager in the 70s on KMET in LA. Dr. Demento had a three hour show on Sunday evening that concluded with a top 10 countdown of most requested songs in the last hour of the show. Somewhere around 1980 he was syndicated around the US. Which is why you got to hear him.

  3. Weird Al is still touring. He’s performing in Tilburg, NL in Feb 2023. Tim, nearest venue to you is Brussels also in Feb.

  4. It would make most sense to narrow it down to the women’s facilities.

    The stalls would double as vocal booths, you see.

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