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This is fun

Victims of revenge porn and other image abuse online are set to get the same legal rights to anonymity as those who are raped under plans being drawn up by the Government.

Because if anonymity is needed – they’re identifiable – then it’s not going to work, while if they’re not identifiable from the images then why is it necessary?

It’s also more than a bit dodgy as a piece of legal reasoning. Rape anonymity is because of the vicious crime committed against them and the interaction of that with ideas about purity etc. The whole point is that the act itself, the sex, was involuntary. But revenge porn and so on, the act was entirely voluntary – otherwise it would be rape of course- it’s the sharing that is the supposed crime.

Which might not amount to quite the same justification, eh?

8 thoughts on “This is fun”

  1. It’s the “other image abuse online” that has me doing the Raising of the Eyebrows..
    That’s a lot of Creep and room for accusations under Anonymity for the Perpetually Offended to abuse.

    Of course.. With the habit of UK “newspapers” of plastering the identity and habitat of anyone of “interest” all over the front page there might actually be a necessity for such stupidity. But that’s like plugging a hole with another hole..

  2. What Julia said, with particular reference to their legislative priorities and bizarre insistence on feeding such non-stories to their presumed friends in the media.

  3. Agreed, but if you read in a court case that your snotty girl-boss is starring, you’re going to spend a few pleasant hours searching for her images.

  4. ‘ Rape anonymity is because of the vicious crime committed against them and the interaction of that with ideas about purity etc.’

    Maybe once over, but now it’s the MeToos screeching about how they were raped/molested – they don’t seem concerned about their anonymity they are all out for publicity.

    But isn’t there stigma attached to being accused/convicted of rape? So why isn’t the accused/convicted given anonymity particularly since convicted rapists serve tough prison time?

  5. And while this is going on ordinary decent criminals are finding it increasingly hard to get detected, caught, remanded, tried, convicted and locked up. The process literally takes years and in most cases fails at the first step. Or any subsequent steps.

  6. Commas are tricky, aren’t they? Unless the government is intending to rape…

    “As those who are raped (,) under plans being drawn up by the government”

  7. Maybe the idea is to then point out that rape is worse so the sentences for rape should be increased to be more than the revenge porn ones, so it’s about setting up a justification for further action

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