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We’ve not got a shortage of wankers

More than half of sperm donations in the UK come from abroad
Regulators reveal the US and Demark are the greatest exporters to Britain

We do have a great shortage of people willing to donate sperm given the rules surrounding sperm donation.

So, change the rules, obviously.

The most common country for export was the US, from where 27 per cent of donations came, along with 21 per cent from Denmark.

In such countries, expenses are more generous, while those considering using a sperm donor are able to leaf through catalogues of donors and select via particular physical attributes or occupations.

In Britain only “reasonable” expenses can be paid and such information is not made available.

It’s not difficult, is it? These ‘ere rules work, those there don’t. So, copy what works……

16 thoughts on “We’ve not got a shortage of wankers”

  1. A shortage of guys who don’t trust the government not to change the rules in the next 18 years more like.

  2. I think they changed the rules in the UK a while back giving children the right to track down their biological fathers.

    Some people said this would lead to a decline in people willing to donate.

    It has seemingly led to a decline in people willing to donate. How could that have been foreseen?

  3. The rules here already allow the offspring to find out about their donor daddy. Donation should be an anonymous thing both ways despite the very small chance of co-sanguinous relationships later on.

  4. Bloke in the Fourth Reich

    You get expenses for donating sperm in Denmark and the USA?

    Rocco – I have some storylines for you.

    Well, a storyline.

  5. A man catches his son jacking off.

    “You’ll go blind if you don’t stop doing that, you know!”

    “Over here, Dad.”

    But seriously, if women can’t choose their sperm donor based on more than a few attributes, isn’t that a form of state-sanctioned rape?

  6. Of you’re concerned about occupation and physical characteristics you could always, you know, *meet the guy*.

    We used to do that.

  7. @Tractor Gent – “Donation should be an anonymous thing both ways”

    That’s no longer practical with all the recreational DNA testing facilities being used (e.g. websites that trace your ancestors). All we can do now is regulate what rights people have once they know.

  8. Theophrastus (2066)

    “Just think of all that vigorous teenage sperm that goes to waste.”

    Underclass and Afro sperm is genetically inferior.

  9. Charles: depends if the donor does that. If he doesn’t, there may be records that show a common father, but he is still unknown.

  10. @Tractor Gent

    It may be possible to identify him through his relatives – there have been some criminal cases where the offender was identified in that way (and, of course, you can then take a sample from them to confirm it).

    It seems like people are more willing to provide information about themselves and also forced to by society, so this problem is only going to get worse. There are donors alive today who thought they were safely anonymous but have lost anonymity through technology and changing social attitudes, so someone today should assume they will not remain anonymous regardless of any assurances or technological steps taken to ensure anonymity.

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