Grikanth – real engineers test in production. (And have a getaway car primed in case anything goes wrong).
Hopper – I’ve worked on many industrial control systems where the idea of having a test environment that simulates the real world is impractical to say the least. Real engineers do test live, and have the blood pressure to prove it. I’m yet to find a change control board that will accept ‘pray’ as a risk mitigation strategy though. These IT types have it easy 🙂
Codemonkeying on a live site? tsk….. 😛
If it’s any consolation, Instapundit was also playing up today. The combo had me checking my connections.
Grikanth – real engineers test in production. (And have a getaway car primed in case anything goes wrong).
Hopper – I’ve worked on many industrial control systems where the idea of having a test environment that simulates the real world is impractical to say the least. Real engineers do test live, and have the blood pressure to prove it. I’m yet to find a change control board that will accept ‘pray’ as a risk mitigation strategy though. These IT types have it easy 🙂