The case of Isla Bryson, the transgender double rapist who was initially sent to a female prison, must not result in a blanket ban on trans women serving their sentences in women’s facilities, the campaign group Scottish Trans has said.
The other view of this same insistence is that there must not be a blanket rule that transwomen will serve their sentence in a women’s prison. Which is great. Ms. Cossey – should she ever be convicted of anything – might be suitable for the female estate. Ms. Bryson not.
You’re a nicer man than me, Tim.
I’d just put all ‘women with penises’ in with the men.
the campaign group Scottish Trans has said.
Fuck the fuck off, says everyone else. Men who rape women go to mens prisons, however the fuck they ‘identify’.
And there are still some total bedshitters on Twitter tutting at how ‘transphobic’ everyone is being about this opportunistic rapist.
Presumably then, it is merely policies, guidelines and procedures rather than laws that are sending convicted men to womens’ prisons. Otherwise it wouldn’t have been possible for Bryson to be instantly yanked in a kneejerk political response to a media furore.
So there is “rule of man” rather than “rule of law”. Which is best?
Most U.S. prisons have some sort of LGBTQ section. Just throw all trans men and trans women together in there, and let the inmates sort out the “ethics” amongst themselves.
Yes, but this was more about timing and political inconvenience than anything else, given the passage and refused Royal Assent of the Scottish Gender Identity Bill it was throwing a negative light on the Blessed Nicola and the demented porridge wogs of the SNP.
Can’t have that.
Quite why a jumped up local council has the power or influence to have a prisoner moved is beyond me? Can Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham chose which prisoners go to Strangeways or not?
It should be simple. Drop yer keks. Penis that way, no penis that way.
Followed up by the already-existing individual prison management assessment of the danger of the prisoner to other inmates and the orderly management of the prison. Kiddie fiddlers with a penis in solitary in a male prison, kiddie fiddlers without a penis in solitary in a female prison.
That is a nice, simple solution jgh. As a bureaucrat I liked things that didn’t require me to work.
But I’ve got to admit that Dhfhfh’s solution is also appealing. Just chuck all the rubbish in together and let them sort it out.
“But I’ve got to admit that Dhfhfh’s solution is also appealing. Just chuck all the rubbish in together and let them sort it out.”
That seems to be remarkably unfair on any ‘trans men’ (ie women masquerading as men) – they are at considerable risk from the likes of this piece of sh*t pretending to be a human being. The punishment for a crime should not include being assaulted/raped/murdered by your fellow inmates, regardless of your delusions as to what gender you are.
The simple solution is dicks in one prison, fannies in another, end of.
I’ve got to concede your point Jim. jgh’s approach is the better way to go.
Penis that way, no penis that way.
What about those who have gone the way of the chop? Or arrived by way of a strapadictamy?
The assholes can fend for themselves, for all I care.
“As a bureaucrat I liked things that didn’t require me to work.”
The bureaucrat doesn’t like to work – but having /more people under you to do the work/? That’s great!
So you’ll get management to plump for more forms and procedures, which will require an expansion of their reports to do the extra work to follow said procedures.
@M – Which is why the only way to purge Whitehall, the QANGOs and the agencies is to close entire departments and cancel the regulations / reporting so that the workload isn’t just transferred elsewhere.