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Ha Ha Ha

The Academy Awards has found itself at the centre of race row after Andrea Riseborough’s unexpected nomination for a best actress Oscar for her performance in To Leslie, seemingly at the expense of Viola Davis for The Woman King and Danielle Deadwyler for Till.

Following the Oscars nominations announcement last Tuesday, Till director Chinonye Chukwu denounced the film industry for “upholding whiteness and perpetuating an unabashed misogyny towards Black women”, and in a lengthy comment piece in the LA Times film critic Robert Daniels wrote: “Although it’s easy to point a finger at Riseborough for taking a slot from Black women, broken systems persist when we focus our ire on individuals … what does it say that the Black women who did everything the institution asks of them – luxury dinners, private Academy screenings, meet-and-greets, splashy television spots and magazine profiles – are ignored when someone who did everything outside of the system is rewarded?”

Erm, try acting better?

17 thoughts on “Ha Ha Ha”

  1. Magic blackness fails, angry hysteria follows.

    it’s easy to point a finger at Riseborough for taking a slot from Black women

    I suppose it is, if you are a cunt.

  2. what does it say that the Black women who did everything the institution asks of them – luxury dinners, private Academy screenings, meet-and-greets, splashy television spots and magazine profiles – are ignored

    Maybe they should get better at blowjobs. Isn’t that how it all used to work?

    To Leslie
    The Fabelmans
    Everything Everywhere All at Once

    Why is Andrea singled out for pushing out black actresses. Other than Michelle Yeoh and possibly chiquita Ana de Armas (who was playing Marilyn Monroe ffs) the others are all melanin compromised.

  4. …what does it say that when the Black women who did everything the institution asks of them – luxury dinners, private Academy screenings, meet-and-greets, splashy television spots and magazine profiles – are ignored

    It says that the fripperies are not yet the substance. It also suggests that a man who is unable to express a stupid idea gramatically is probably quite stupid.

  5. The lesson here is that we should fawn over Black people and reward their Negro Coolness 100% of the time, instead of just 95% of the time.

  6. I’ll agree that DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, Equality) has some merit when we see Ronnie Corbett playing Obama or Tom Harris playing Martin Luther King.

    A truly non-racist production.

    That will be universally welcomed, applauded and feted, will it not?

    Oh, wait…

  7. “the Black women who did everything the institution asks of them – luxury dinners, private Academy screenings, meet-and-greets, splashy television spots and magazine profiles…”

    …are the ones who are forgoing slavery reparations this year.

  8. People also have to understand that the voters of the Academy are not film critics. Most of them are actors, and they don’t watch that many films. This is why the Academy has to send out screener DVDs to them. And then, about 5% of the voters don’t even watch the films. People know this, right?

    So, actors vote for things like whether it’s The Right Sort of Film (slavery, holocaust) and also things like who has done some good work in the past, who their mates are. Al Pacino won an Oscar for Scent of a Woman, but it was really an Oscar for those Godfather movies, Dog Day Afternoon, Serpico etc etc.

  9. “……taking a slot from Black women,……”.
    So, now, there has to be a quota based on race, rather than talent? And why is a capital letter used when referring to black women? Methinks someone’s getting far above his racial station.

  10. It’s an Americanism. B in the US, b here. You get shouted at in The Guardian if you use B and shouted at near everywhere in the US if you use b.

  11. Isn’t Michelle Williams the only American on the list? Seems to be just as noteworthy point as skin tone.


  12. I’m fascinated that he thinks that they should have to go through all that crawling bullshit to be worthy of a nomination. Is that the Academy’s hazing ritual?

  13. It won’t be long before Black is not enough, and anyone not writing BLACK will face cancellation attempts.

  14. “luxury dinners, private Academy screenings, meet-and-greets, splashy television spots and magazine profiles”

    Oh the humanity! Won’t someone please think of the children!

  15. I was unaware that Oscars (presumably for all categories) are actually awards for who can host the most fashionable soiree.
    Explains a lot, I suppose.

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