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Great, innit?

What I am suggesting is that a part of the reason for the problem of extremism that we face in the UK is that we have a political system that for a very long time sought to suppress the extremes, and succeeded in doing so. That is precisely what first-past-the-post two party politics is meant to do.

This system worked when the trigger for authoritarianism did not exist. That trigger is inequality, both actual and perceived. And we have since 2010 had a political party in office that has deliberately promoted inequality in the UK.

Inequality is lower than it was in 2010. Here.

Musings on what’s wrong with the world really should start from accurate observations of the world.

10 thoughts on “Great, innit?”

  1. The government is paying the least productive people in the Third World to come here and sexually assault British women and girls, and if you object to this you’re an “extremist”.

  2. Just for balance you understand, I wondered about starting a site called something like, “Reason from Richie”. But I’ve yet to find a post of his which contains logic, accuracy or reason.

  3. @Ed P

    To be fair to him he did say something the other week that I agreed with.
    Feb 5th:
    There must be some politically aware, people who have not seen or heard of Liz Truss’ 4,000-word article in the Sunday Telegraph today, in which she seeks to justify her period in office as prime minister, and seeks to blame absolutely anyone but herself for the failure of her administration

    Yup. I can be considered politically aware, yet I had not seen the article in question.
    Ok, it’s not the most profound statement. Right up there with “Today is Monday”. Also, the punctuation is bad. What’s with the first comma? And the third one before and?

    Maybe you could fill the website with such banalities?

  4. Meanwhile, the writing will continue although a visit to Scotland this week will be a bit of a distraction.

    Oh FFS, what grievances is he coming here to stoke up now?

  5. “This system worked when the trigger for authoritarianism did not exist. That trigger is inequality, both actual and perceived.”

    Oh, right. So it’s inequality that’s behind the push for digital ID and the crackdown on freedom of speech, is it? Inequality that forced the Trudeau government to invoke the Emergencies Act against peaceful protesters? And presumably it’s all the inequality in Red China that’s landed Jimmy Lai in the slammer.

    What an absolute fuckwit.

  6. And we have since 2010 had a political party in office that has deliberately promoted inequality in the UK.

    Given the government’s track record, this is not necessarily disproved by the fact that inequality is lower than it was in 2010.

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