It’s time to retire the offensive, outdated idea that having only one child is somehow selfish or unfair
It’s only because I’m a patriarchalist, cis white elderly male that I say this, of course.
But perhaps this could be easier done by simply telling hubbie that he’s not getting any more kids rather than wrapping it up as a column?
Gosh. Has Rhiannon had a child?
She’s certainly been keeping quiet about it.
To which Hubby’s answer might be to trade her in for a younger model. Doubt she’d like that. Wahmen are comfortable dishing out divorce papers, but seem a bit tetchy receiving them.
Private Eye was bang on with Polly Filler.
The Graun really is prepared to publish rubbish of zero content in its continuing desperate attempts to attract eyeballs…
There was an article in The Telegraph quoting Rees Mogg as saying we should have more kids. Clearly a lightbulb moment for Rhiannon to pen something opposite to the evil Tory patriarch.
Jimmers – I’m sure Jacob Rees-Mogg has frightfully polite sex with his wife.
I’m sure Jacob Rees-Mogg has frightfully polite sex with his wife.
I’d like to think that’s when he becomes a ravening beast but, sadly, I suspect you are right.
“Darling. I am arriving.”
“It’s time to retire the offensive, outdated idea that having only one child is somehow selfish or unfair”
Well, retire it then, you stupid bitch. It’s you who has the idea.