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The Duchess of Sussex has reportedly signed with a powerhouse talent agency that represents some of Hollywood’s biggest celebrities.

She will be represented at WME by a team that includes Hollywood power agent Ari Emanuel and agents already representing Serena Williams and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Variety and other media reported.

The industry publication said WME beat rival agencies who had been trying to sign the Duchess since she and the Duke of Sussex arrived in California in 2020.

Presumably she’ll now start being in road movies – being outacted by the cars like everyone else.

Still, beats the previous career of being outacted by the furniture (yes, I know, the traditional insult is being outacted by the scenery flats, but that’s not good enough for Our Duchess now, is it?)

10 thoughts on “Joyous”

  1. She’s probably spent since 2020 lobbying WME to represent her and the Ginger Whinger. The desperation is palpable.

  2. Is Ginger part of the deal?

    I wonder what cut they are taking compared with that from more illustrious clients.

  3. Fantasizing about an appendix edition of ‘Entourage’ featuring Megan, Harry and Ari Gold. Possibly just coincidence of names, but was Ari Emanuel the inspiration for Ari Gold?

  4. As a woman of colour, she’s a shoe-in for such notable black historical figures as Queen Elizabeth I, Joan of Arc or Mother Theresa. Maybe even the lead role in a bio-pic of Amy Winehouse?

  5. @Andrew C
    I watched season 1 of Suits when it was first on Dave and no seemed to have seen it. At no point did I think of her as “a woman of colour”. At least that was till they introduced the character that played her father in S2E13 who was played by Wendell Pierce and definitely black. Most British white Caucasian’s come back from their one week with more colour than the Dutchess.

  6. I only realised upon rewatching she was in Fringe as an FBI agent, pre Ginge, and was set up as a returning character…didn’t last more than a couple of episodes

  7. The word “talent” is doing some pretty heavy lifting with these two.

    Perhaps WME could get Harry a gig in the movie business. Something involving a pool table would be a good place to start. Megs could star in a series set on a yacht.

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