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All a result of an ouburst of patriotism, obviously

Four shot and three stabbed to death in London over Coronation weekend

Just not patriotism to this country or culture…..

22 thoughts on “All a result of an ouburst of patriotism, obviously”

  1. “Diversity Built Britain” – according to our PM.
    Yeah right, we would have been oh so much worse off if we hadn’t had all this diversity inflicted upon us over the last 80 years.
    I cannot think of one positive benefit of the ‘enrichment’ we have suffered that we couldn’t have had without the influx of third world shitholers.

  2. @Ottokring: long overdue, and if they’d treated the previous reports of this man’s dangerous mutts seriously, they wouldn’t have had to do a live action rerun of ‘Old Yeller’ closing scene in Limehouse at the weekend….

  3. In other words… A quiet London weekend, except that the Journo’s had to find something negative to write about the Coronation.

  4. Grikath:

    Spot on, although there is some indication in the strapline that the penny might have dropped:

    “Surge in violence means 150 teenagers have been violently killed in the capital since Sadiq Khan was elected mayor”

    What you import, you get.

  5. “Surge in violence means 150 teenagers have been violently killed in the capital since Sadiq Khan was elected mayor”

    Those are rookie numbers. Compared with the bent Democrat mayors the Malign Midget idolises, 150 dead kids over seven years is a rounding error, a hot summer in Chicago.

  6. How many teenagers were murdered on a typical weekend in London when it was a white English city?

  7. A big what it: what if the postwar governments had eschewed the notion that any old citizen (the term of art of the time was “subject”) of the Empah could come to settle in Britain? What if instead they had decreed that only those who had served in the Armed Forces, and their immediate (nuclear) families, would have right of entry? (Anyone else would have to qualify by right of various requirements that would be announced from time to time.)

    What if?

  8. it’s only cos the rozzers were occupied elsewhere. ie Shooting dogs on the street.

    Mostly they seem to be occupied providing security assistance for eco protests.

  9. A big what it: what if the postwar governments had eschewed the notion that any old citizen (the term of art of the time was “subject”) of the Empah could come to settle in Britain?

    As with Sweden, Germany, etc. they’d have shown up anyway.

    Immigration isn’t some sort of punishment for having an empire, it’s a punishment for being weak, foolish and unable to exert lions on our own government.

  10. “As with Sweden, Germany, etc. they’d have shown up anyway.” But they didn’t, did they, just show up in Germany and Sweden at the time. The Germans deliberately imported Turks; we deliberately (foolishly) imported textile workers and, perhaps reasonably, doctors and nurses.

    We also stupidly allowed the unions to forbid women bus drivers, and then imported males to drive ’em.

    And on and on: bonkers.

  11. ‘it’s a punishment for being weak, foolish and unable to exert lions on our own government.’

    You mean it’s a punishment for being unwilling to pull the trigger, Steve??

  12. DM – I don’t think its a coïncidence that pretty much every formerly “white” country on the planet is overwhelmed with migrants.

    The various historic and contemporary excuses may differ, but the goals are the same. In Britain, we’re envouraged to believe Diversity is (simultaneously!) Our Greatest Strength and a punishment for our racist statues. The Krauts are led to believe turning their country into a Moslem hookah bar is expiation for their great-grandfathers’ sins, the Swedes are heavily into race-based cuckolding, yadda yadda.

    Ignore the mouth noises – they don’t matter at all. Watch the population flows instead (if you can stomach it).

    Bboy – Pull the trigger? Let’s be more realistic: a lot of English people would rather lose their country than be impolite.

  13. I doubt the per capita violent crime figures in london have changed much from a hundred or two hundred years ago.

  14. Homicide rate, England and Wales, 1950: 0.79 per 100,000

    Homicide rate now: 1.19 per 100,000

    Murder up by 50% across the entire country.

  15. a lot of English people would rather lose their country than be impolite.
    Got it in one, Steve. Strangely, they don’t have any reluctance being impolite ( & much worse ) to their countrymen don’t share that failing.

  16. “We also stupidly allowed the unions to forbid women bus drivers, and then imported males to drive ’em.”

    The bus drivers union in Bristol campaigned quite actively to stop immigrants being hired to driving buses or working as conductors etc
    I wouldn’t be surprised that there’s a lot more examples than this one

  17. Battery Chicken

    I’m pretty sure, but haven’t got the figures to hand, that knife crime dropped dramatically under Boris’s watch compared to the Livingston era because one of the first things Boris did was reintroduce stop n search.

    This was immediately cancelled by Khan because it was “discriminatory”, which was kind of the point and why it was effective.

  18. You’re right about ‘discriminatory’ Battery Chicken. Make your best guess and follow it up. It works a hell of a lot better than picking ’em at random.

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