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And folk say men and women aren’t different, eh?

Sunsarae, who uses he/they pronouns, also added that starting hormone therapy “changed [his] life for the better.” “From my very first injection of testosterone levels, my confidence, assertiveness, and a greater sense of self-worth skyrocketed,” they said.

That’s what balls do for you…..

14 thoughts on “And folk say men and women aren’t different, eh?”

  1. The writer by the evidence of their picture is obvs a woman who thinks shes a man. a reverse garrie. As such we know the writer is unhinged and theres not much chance of gaining anything useful from reading their prose.

  2. “From my very first injection of testosterone levels, my confidence, assertiveness, and a greater sense of self-worth skyrocketed,”

    Did she grow a cock?

  3. moquifen @ 7.00, I finally got my head around understanding who was what, with ‘trans-man = a woman who thinks she is a man, Trans-woman = man who thinks he is a woman’.

  4. they said

    Any fule no “they” is plural – should be he, she or (maybe) it.

    You just can’t get the staff these days…

  5. Any fule no “they” is plural – should be he, she or (maybe) it.
    Not in the english I speak. It’s a neuter in the singular. Interchangeable with he, she or it. Often used when the gender is already established or not significant. And that’s the english most people speak. And “correct” english has to be what most people speak. We ain’t France.

  6. Another’s we & us in the first person singular. Very common in N. Ireland & London.* Use of “I” is regarded as overly declarative in certain situations.

    *How regional is that? I grew up with it & learnt about NI by accident. Other parts of the country?

  7. Some years ago I saw a TV programme where they interviewed a girl who wanted to change and had started injecting testosterone. One of the comments she made was how tits suddenly became very noticeable to her.

  8. @TG
    Bearing in mind some of the lard arse Brit geezers show up down here, one’s forced to ask you clarify. On women or men?

  9. Trans-woman = man who thinks he is a woman’.

    I said, hey babe
    Take a walk on the wild side.

  10. Following on from BiSpain,
    One thing the Irish do is have You’s for multiple second person address.

    Is actually quite useful.

  11. ‘ Did she grow a cock?’

    Apparently it does make the clitoris get bigger, short term high, but the side effects and long term impact aren’t looking good. Biological reality kicks in at some point, part of the differences between men and women are their bodies ability to deal with testosterone and oestrogen

  12. Well, I had a proper classical and chemical education.
    Trans-Alpine: gone beyond the Alps and has left the Alps behind, not Alpine.
    Trans-Human: gone beyond ‘human’ and has left ‘human’ behind, not human.
    Trans-Woman: gone beyond ‘woman’ and has left ‘woman’ behind, not woman.
    Trans-Man: gone beyond ‘man’ and has left ‘man’ behind, not man.

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