that would ban abortions after 12 weeks – effectively a ban on all abortions.
Bit of a surprise to Europeans:
In most European countries, as illustrated in the map and in the country-by-country table below, abortion is generally permitted within a term limit below fetal viability (e.g. 12 weeks in Germany and Italy, or 14 weeks in France and Spain). The longest term limits – in terms of gestation – are in the United Kingdom and in the Netherlands, both at 24 weeks of gestation.
Must admit to prejudice here. I just don’t like killing kids.
But as I pointed out to some young lady many years ago, I’d certainly nuke a city or turn a flame thrower on a mob if I thought it desirable, so I see no reason to deny women a similar privilege.
I was mildly surprised when our host recently described this bloke as a capable writer. The linked article only includes two actual names but still manages to misspell one of them as Senator Riepe is transitioned to Rip.
The journalism on the tech business is indeed good.
It’s been obvious for many years that if you vote for an anti-trans politician you get an anti-abortion politician
People who want to protect children in primary school also want to protect them in Mummy’s tummy.
Shrek in drag hardest hit.
What’s brough this on? He’s not pregnant is he?
His husband might be.
Who are these women who take 12 weeks to work out they’re pregnant anyway? Mrs Prole and I thought we’d give this kids lark a go, approximately 4 weeks from the likely conception date we decided nature had given us enough clues it was worth investing in a pregnancy test.
Are there really that many women who would go 8 weeks late without thinking “maybe it’s worth peeing on a stick, just incase “?
From “Abortion statistics, England and Wales: 2021” on the website of the Office for Health
Improvement & Disparities: “The proportion of abortions that are performed at under 10 weeks has continued to increase since 2011. In 2021, 89% of abortions were performed under 10 weeks, increasing from 88% in 2020 and 78% in 2011. The percentage performed at 20 weeks was 1% in both 2020 and 2021. (Table 3a.iii)”.
Why is there a substantial minority of Brits who get absorbed in American political causes? US abortion law is no business of ours and neither are the USA’s endless problems with African-Americans (or whatever we’re meant to call them this week).
DM – for the same reason ambitious provincials used to LARP as Romans.
In the UK 86% of abortions are below 9 weeks, only 1% above 20 weeks.
Seen on the internet this morn: He also got in trouble for an email to a trans colleague where he described his pronouns as “do, re, mi.”
Not surprising: Do’s a deer a cisfemale deer!
Remember – “Safe, Legal and Rare”.