A primary school teacher has claimed that she was sacked after refusing to use an eight-year-old’s preferred pronouns.
The teacher is taking legal action against Nottinghamshire County Council, which runs the school, for alleged unfair dismissal.
She claimed that, two years ago, the school where she worked decided to facilitate the social transition of a girl who wanted to be treated as a boy.
The school instructed all staff to always refer to the girl with male pronouns and a male name, and said that she should use the boys’ toilets and dressing rooms.
“Hey You!” is appropriate at all times, no?
Every time I see this sort of thing, I am reminded of George in Enid Blyton’s ‘Famous Five’ stories. We thought nothing of it. She (George, that is) insisted on wearing boys’ clothes and being referred to as a boy. Blyton never told us, of course, what happened at puberty when George grew tits, started menstruating, and got the hots at the thought of a male todger in a place that other ‘boys’ didn’t have.(Being at boarding schools, presumably real boys discovered a use for a different orifice – one that George also had).
As far as I know, George still attended a girls’ school.
Nowadays, drugs and surgery make the comparatively innocent foibles of Blyton’s George into something gross and horrible.
the school where she worked decided to facilitate the social transition of a girl who wanted to be treated as a boy.
Guys, I’m starting to believe we’re not going to be allowed to vote our way out of this.
Oh, Steve, you know as well as I do that if voting worked, we wouldn’t be allowed to do it!
Oh, for the days when eight year olds wanted to be princesses or showjump champions…
JuliaM – the good news is that lions don’t vote.
In the first few books, George didn’t go to school at all, because her parents “couldn’t afford it” – which blew my pre-teen mind. HTH do you “not afford” to go to school? You just….. go…… to school.
I think in later books Uncle Quentin (George’s father) got a cushy government scientist job, and George boarded with Anne.