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But my point is the same whatever is the case. You cannot claim to be a democrat and suggest your opponents leave your country if they do not like what you are saying. That makes you a straightforward oppressor, and a totalitarian. It most certainly makes you an opponent of democracy, when respect for duality of opinion and the right to oppose are fundamental to that system of government.

Says the man who calls any advocate of a low tax small state country a fascist. Who has been known to insist that if the rich don’t like high taxation then good, let them leave.

8 thoughts on “Oh, right”

  1. Dennis, Noting The Bright Light Emanating From Ely

    And if you went on his blog and mentioned his hypocrisies, he’d ban you.

    Like any good democrat would…

  2. You cannot claim to be a democrat and suggest your opponents leave your country if they do not like what you are saying

    But you can redefine their opinions as “hate” and “fascism”, then deprive them of their freedom, platforms, and ability to use online payment services or have a normal livelihood or host their own meetings irl without constant harassment and threats.

    That’s ok, because my complex and sophisticated progressive moral stance is that they’re baddies, you see.

    Also I assume my own self-serving Chinese Red Guard ‘standards’ will never be used against me, because that would be unfair, and The Baddies would never do such a thing.

  3. suggest your opponents leave your country if they do not like what you are saying

    I’d vote for that.

  4. “Suggesting” is far too mild. The ancient Athenians used ostracism: they could vote to expel you from the city state for a decade.

  5. He’s the man with Groucho’s principles. You cannot expect him to remember what contrary nonsense he said only yesterday.

  6. He makes the comparison with Nazi Germany of course – it’s Monday so by Friday he’ll be riding another hobby horse

  7. Since he renamed it ‘funding the future’ Spud has spent no time on that subject.
    Alas for civil society the problems of funding the past, that being the debts taken on to pay the salaries and other public spending at the time hasn’t been addressed, nor has funding all the promises of entitlements.
    So funding the future has to wait until funding the previous two has been worked out.

    One thing I have to credit the Tories for is telling mainly women, but also men, that your State Retirement Pension will be due at aged 67, compared to 60 and 65 as previously. I don’t think any other political party in government would have taken the WASPIs and allies on in a full frontal.
    Obvs, there should be no State Retirement Pension at all, but they did at least increase the age range when you don’t get it.

  8. It most certainly makes you an opponent of democracy, when respect for duality of opinion and the right to oppose are fundamental to that system of government.

    No, it makes you a great proponent of democracy. It’s mob rule, and the majority wins. The losers of a democratic election don’t get equal representation. They wait another 2-4-6 years before getting another chance to possibly lose again. The protectors of democracy are currently silencing dissent disinformation so they can protect democracy. The only way to maintain a system of democracy is to have your own rights voted upon mostly by people who don’t know you exist.

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