Children need more and better sex and relationship education in England’s schools, to help them navigate the issues they are likely to face as they get older, experts have told MPs.
The Commons women and equalities committee heard that too few teachers in England have received training in how to deliver lessons in relationships, sex and health education (RSHE) since it became a compulsory topic in 2019.
Lucy Emmerson, chief executive of the Sex Education Forum, told MPs that young people reported that important issues such as power imbalances in relationships between boys and girls were often not being tackled in RSHE lessons.
That girls get to lead the boys around by the cock – without ever having to put out – is part and parcel of the huamn experience. Sure I think children should learn that.
That is what they mean, isn’t it?
I’d have thought they already knew that Tim.
However I very definitely believe that all that drag queen/transgender bullshit should be kept well away from them. Kids have enough problems coping with growing up without being gaslighted by a pack of pervs.
Ok, let me read that article with my John Carpenter sunglasses on:
Children need more and better sex
I’m all out of bubblegum, lads.
I wonder what qualifications and experience are required to become an expert in child sex (education).
Philip – is the answer to your question related to the mystery of why PinkNews, a media org for adult homosexual men, is deeply interested in what other people’s children are being taught about sex:
Since these assholes are actually creating the issues, an simple solution does present itself.
Over to Steve for the lions, I think.
Our PSD teacher was an ex hippie and was actually quite good. She had done pretty much everything we could think of to embarass her and answered our questions in an unflappable relaxed way. Also no-one actually wanted to be /emulate her in anyway.
I wonder how the human race has survived so long without experts telling them how to procreate. It’s a mystery.