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What taboo?

‘I miss the sex’: Why are the sexual needs of the bereaved still a taboo?
A woman mourning the loss of her husband was advised to take up gardening, another was told to get a dog… But intimacy and desire among grieving people is something we all need to know about

Jeez, the Wife of Bath is getting on for a millennium old as a literary character. What damn taboo?

11 thoughts on “What taboo?”

  1. It’s the Guardian. A “taboo” means that not everyone treats you exactly how you want to be treated, for ever after.

  2. I’d think you’d want to know what your predecessor died of, first.
    (Being bored to death by a Guardian contributor shouldn’t be ruled out)

  3. There are allegedly web sites for widows to meet widowers. Apparently a lot of people on them only wish they were bereaved.

  4. It’s “taboo” in the same way that walking up to a colleague of whatever age in the office (whether male or female) and asking “Hey, did you fuck last night?” is taboo. No one doubts that older men and women are interested in sex; we just don’t talk about it or, more importantly, force them to talk about it ffs.

  5. Otto @ 2.19, sorry for your loss. After my divorce I didn’t want the hassle of getting involved with another woman. Still don’t 20+ years later.

    “T’is better to have loved and lost, than live the rest of your life with a psycho”.

  6. Dennis, Heartless As Ever

    This is bizarre, even by Guardian standards. I’m reminded of Max Bialystock in The Producers: “They come here, they all come here. How do they find me?” Then again, anyone familiar with the Guardian knows exactly why they come there.

    I suppose it would never occur to Kat Lister that any decent male of the species would NOT be inclined to try to develop an intimate relationship with a recently widowed female of the species.

    Lord, are these women are insane? What part of the gene pool do you think you’d be jumping into?

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